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Fig 19: Margins look better                            Fig 20: It’ll take him a while to smile but that’s a start!

           agent (hydrophobic). The acidic monomers lose their potency when   Cervical Overhangs: A great tool to ensure no overhangs are
           they come into contact with the dentinal tissue hence scrubbing the   left behind causing gingival inflammation is #12 surgical blade.
           bond into the cavity will let new monomer come into contact with the   Interproximal polishing should be carried out with strips sequentially
           tissue making sure the dentin is etched and primed well before bonding   in a S shaped pattern starting from coarse to fine.
           protocols. I scrub the bonding agent into the tissue for 20 seconds, air
           dry with oil free air and cure for another 10 seconds. (Gluma, Kulzer)  Follow ups: Follow ups are carried out 5-7 days later for final polishing
           Layering protocols: We used 3 different opacities to restore the teeth.   and patient is recalled after a month again.
           In teeth where the palatal wall was intact, dentin was used only 0.5
           mm thickness to mask the discoloration and universal was layered to   ConCluSion
           balance opacity followed by enamel shade again not more than 0.5 mm   This case will always remain as one of my career highlights, not because
           in thickness.                                           it was challenging but because it helped me appreciate the undying
              In teeth lacking the palatal wall, the palatal build up was first   human spirit. This young patient has taught me how the human spirit
           done with dentin to block the darkness of the oral cavity followed by   even if bent cannot be broken.
           universal and enamel.                                     Both optical efficiency and refractive index are proving to be the
              Though Composite button technique gives us the desired   path to follow for developing better restorative materials that can
           ingredients for a restoration, the thickness of individual layers would   effectively mimic natural teeth.
           greatly vary depending on the age, chromaticity, translucency and   With modern composites already mimicking fluorescence and
           bucco lingual width of a particular tooth and must be decided by the   opalescence, appreciated in natural dentition it is only a matter of
           dentist mindfully. Every layer in placed not more than 2 mm and cured   time that more advancements in the field make Composites a viable
           for 20 seconds. Opaque or darker shades should be cured longer.  solution for smile designing and caries control in the most predictable
           Surface texture, blending and moulding the composite: A great tool
           to help mould the composite is a flat or pointed brush (GC) dipped
           in unfilled resin (Signum, Kulzer). The composite is always blended
           composite to tooth to achieve a seamless integration of the restoration.
           Elimination of oxygen inhibition Zone: K Y jelly (Johnson &
           Johnson) is coated on top of the final enamel layer and cured for 40
           seconds to remove oxygen inhibition zone. The top layer of composite
           exposed to ambient air has some free monomer radicals that do not
           form polymer chains completely. This may entrap powder generated
           from mechanical finishing and polishing and the composite could   ABOUT THE AUTHOR
           change colour over time with interaction of pigments present in food
           affecting the long term stability of the restoration.                        Dr. Sanah Sayed is a Cosmetic
                                                                                        Dentist practicing in Pune. She has
           Finishing & Polishing protocols: A red ring round ended bur is used          completed her BDS from D.Y. Patil
           to shape transitional line angles and create surface texture. We start       Dental College (Navi Mumbai) and
           polishing with Soflex discs (3M) at 15-20,000 RPM and intermittent           Advanced Esthetics from Manipal
           water. This can be followed by spirals that are diamond impregnated          Dental College.
           available from 3M or Eve polishers (Ivoclar). A buff with Diamond
           polishing paste is then used (Prisma Gloss/ Ultradent) to achieve the
           final lustre.
              All polishers should be used as per manufacturer’s instructions.

                                                                         Dental Practice i March-April 2023 i Vol 19 No 2  37
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