Page 42 - DP Vol 19 No 2 HR_Neat
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dental photography

                                                                      3. spectrophotometric instrument method
                                                                      4. eLab© method
                                                                         The use of the appropriately equipped, in methods 2) and
                                                                      4), increases the predictability in the diagnosis of the tooth
                                                                      shade. It is in this “different look” that photography expresses its
                                                                      maximum potential and usefulness. A correct interpretation of
                                                                      dental shade is of considerable importance in the choice of the
                                                                      correct restorative material.
                                                                         In the visually assisted photographic method, the correct
                                                                      choice of shade will follow the entire photographic workflow
                                                                      to the delivery of the manufactured prosthesis  (Figure 51).
                                                                      In the case of a single-tooth restoration, despite the apparent
                                                                      correct shade selection, several sessions are required to try
                                                                      in the prosthetic and the result is not always predictable [16,17]
                                                                      (Figure 46).
           Fig 16: The Digital Smile Design] makes it possible to extrapolate   One  solution  seems  to   have    been
           the aesthetic parameters of the patient’s face and use them to   found  by  the  international  scientific  group
           optimize an aesthetic/functional treatment that is prosthetic,   Bio-emulation that has been working for several years on this
           orthodontic, and periodontal                               new method  (Figures 47 to 50).

           Fig 17: The functional aesthetic needs of   Fig 18: Dr. Elena Grillo performed and   Fig 19: The patient asks to resolve
           the patient and the treatment are clearly   finished the orthodontic treatment  the aesthetics on 2.1. Using some
           evident in this single photograph                                         photographs of the patient, we propose
                                                                                     two different solutions that we share
                                                                                     with the patient to strengthen her
                                                                                     confidence regarding the final treatment
                                                                                     and facilitate her decision

           Fig 20: Using Keynote, we initially propose a solution that involves working on tooth 2.1 by means of a layered disilicate crown

           Fig 21: Again by deepening the aesthetic analysis,  we propose a second solution which involves working on tooth 2.1 by means
           of a layered disilicate crown and a layered disilicate veneer on tooth 1.1; this solution will make it easier to integrate the shape
           and color of the two central incisors. This solution will improve the incisal contour, which should be transformed from flat to
           convex to follow the outline of the lower lip, making the aesthetics of the smile more natural and harmonious
                                                                                                         contd on page 44 >>
           42  Dental Practice i March-April 2023 i Vol 19 No 2
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