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Fig 25: Post-treatment photo sequences (layered pressed disilicate prosthetic teeth fabricated by Technician F. Russo)
With easier and greater access to digital technology, photo-
odonto-graphic® imaging has assumed a very important role
in communication with the public, the patient and the dental
profession. It is enough to note the strong impact that dental
images have had on social media, to understand that it has
become a system of mass communication with subliminal
Who should use photography in
• Dentists who want to communicate a treatment
Fig 26: Image of the treatment completed highlighting recommendation to the patient
the soft tissue management (layered pressed disilicate • Dentists who simply want to show the existing state of
prosthetic teeth fabricated by Technician F. Russo) health
• Dentists who want to document a treatment
• Dentists who want to use a fundamental means for dental
shade selection
• The team of practice professionals (prosthodontists,
orthodontists, periodontists, implantologists, hygienists,
dental technicians) who want to share patient diagnostic
Fig 27: Photography as a tool to compare two different operative techniques; here is an example of a prosthetic treatment in the
provisional phase. In this first sequence of images the preparation is a mini chamfer
Fig 28: The same prosthetic treatment in the provisional stage. In this second sequence of images, the preparation follows the
BOPT technique
Dental Practice i March-April 2023 i Vol 19 No 2 45