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dEnTAl pHOTOgRApHy                                      Why is There                 requireD
                        The evolution of visual communication        currenTLy no                 1.  digital single lens
                                                                     commerciaL coLor              reflex (D-SLR)
                                                                     scaLe eFFecTive in            camera – RAW files
                                                                     DeTecTing coLor?              and ICC profiles
                                                                     1. low number of color        installed on Adobe
                                                                     samples                       Lightroom
                                                                     2.  the color samples        2.  ring flash or pair of
                                                                       are made of different        independent flashes
                                                                       materials from the           on bracket
                                                                       material to be used for    3.  polarizing filters
                                                                       the reconstruction           for flash and lens
                                                                     3.  the comparison between     system
                                                                       samples with the same      4.  workflow using the
                                                                       initials of the same         e-LAB white balance
                                                                       manufacturer show            card
           Fig 45: The workflow involving imaging in dentistry can consist   substantial differences   5.  workflow
           of several steps/elements. Depending on the need, these   4.  there is no                comparison of the L
           elements can co-participate in creating a personal workflow   correspondence between     * a * b * data of the
           following our needs/logic. In practice we can create a basic   the shade sample and the   tooth with the L * a *
           workflow consisting of a few simple operational steps to simply   restorative material   b * databases of the
           show to/communicate with the patient. We can also create a                               porcelain mass used
           professional workflow consisting of multiple operational steps,   Fig 46: Any method used to
           to simulate a treatment plan to the patient, such as with the   diagnose color that uses color   Fig 47: The above items are
           Digital Smile Design shown earlier.                     samples is inaccurate because   needed for eLab workflow
                                                Fig 48: Type of    of the above points:
                                                photo required for
                                                eLab workflow uses       Dental photo workflow from diagnosis to color using eLab
                                                polarizing filters with
                                                a juxtaposition of
                                                the white balance

                                                                   Fig 50: Workflow of the e-Lab method; instead of using the
                                                                   sample reference color, the technique exploits the workflow
                                                                   in Adobe Lightroom  measuring the color data according to
                                                                   the CIE (International Commission on Illumination) coding of
                                                                   1976 (L*a*b*) at key points on the tooth surface . The Adobe
                                                                   Lightroom database contains imported ICC (International
                                                                   Color Consortium) color profiles of the camera / lens / flash
                                                                   that are used in the operatory and the laboratory.. The photo
           Fig 49: White balance card and Adobe Lightroom          must be taken in RAW format and once imported into Adobe
                                                                   Lightroom, the L* value is normalized based on the white
             and therapeutic information                           balance card that was photographed Reading the L* a* b* data
           •  Dental technicians who want to create a photographic portfolio of their  on the tooth will guide the dental technician in choosing the
             own work, and perfect dental shade diagnosis          masses to be used, as porcelain masses have also been coded
           •  Anyone who wants to look at their profession from a new perspective  according to the L* a* b*.
             – to “Look Different”.

                         ABOUT THE AUTHOR
                         Dr. Federico Lorelli graduated with an Honors Dentistry Degree from the University of Messina in 1998. As a
                         Dentist, he focuses on endodontics (semester course with Dr. Luigi Scagnoli), cosmetic prosthodontics and
                         minimally invasive conservative dentistry (Master’s Degree with Dr. Mauro Fradeani and Dr. Ignazio Loi’s BOPT
                         annual course, on DSD with Christian Coachman and triStep with Dr. Francesca Vailati). Dr. Lorelli is a Registered
                         User of Nikon Photography equipment. He speaks on the topic of “photo-dentistry”.

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