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Fig 4: The shape of the VITA MFT anterior teeth are oriented to Fig 5: Triangular VITA MFT anterior teeth.
the basic face shapes. Shown here: the square tooth shape.
Fig 6: The oval version of the VITA MFT anterior teeth. Fig 7: VITA MFT anterior teeth also come in a mixed shape: the
square tooth shape.
Fig 8: Also well-suited to feminine morphology: VITA MFT Fig 9: Less difference in length between the middle and
teeth with curved lines and a curved incisal edge. the lateral incisors indicates age-related wear of the middle
incisor, which is typical of “older” teeth.
feminine appearance of the teeth, whereas an almost equal size of them to restore functionality effectively while appearing very natural
the lateral and middle incisors gives the teeth a more masculine at the same time.
appearance. In addition, the maximum circumference of the typical
female tooth is frequently in the incisal third and that of the male tooth CharaCteristiCs of the multi-funCtional Vita
is in the middle or cervical third. mft® tooth
There is also a relationship between age and tooth shape: less The anterior teeth
difference between the length of the middle and the lateral incisor The width and length of the anterior tooth shapes have a harmonic
indicates that the middle incisor is worn down, which is typical of relationship that is always near the golden ratio. This gives them a very
“older” teeth (Figure 9). In youthful teeth, on the other hand, this natural morphology without appearing too rectangular or triangular.
difference is more pronounced. From an esthetic perspective, the relationship between width and length
With the multi-functional VITA MFT tooth (VITA Zahnfabrik, of the anterior teeth and canines should always be close to the golden ratio
Bad Säckingen, Germany), prosthodontists have a tooth that fulfills all (Figure 10).
requirements due to its morphological characteristics and that allows The necks of the VITA MFT anterior teeth are somewhat wider,
Dental Practice i March-April 2023 i Vol 19 No 2 51