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cosmetic  section

           Fig 10: The proportions of the VITA MFT teeth are also near the   Fig 11: The wider necks of the VITA MFT teeth promote an age-
           golden ratio.                                           appropriate natural design of the papillae during wax-up.

           Fig 12: The morphology of the VITA MFT anterior teeth allows   Fig 13: Perfectly shaped and distributed perikymata make the
           especially natural-looking V-shaped transitions between the   surfaces of the VITA MFT teeth seem particularly natural.
           incisal edges in the contact areas.

           Fig 14: The balanced combination of opalescence,        Fig 15: The necks of the posterior teeth are wider and have a
           luminescence and translucence produces a nuance-rich    natural buccal arching.
           interplay of colors and a natural light reflection behavior.

           which allows an age-appropriate natural design of the papillae during   this impression is effectively supported by the perfectly formed
           the wax-up (Figure 11). This width allows the papillae to be cut back   and distributed perikymata on the labial side as well as the whitish
           for older patients if necessary, without resulting in noticeable black   incisal edges with precisely the right degree of translucency
           areas.                                                 (Figure 13).
              The labial side of the anterior teeth has a natural convex design,   The natural-looking design of the lingual surfaces of the anterior
           which provides lip cushioning and thereby supports the perfect   teeth is important for the restoration of phonetics, a good orientation
           harmony between the teeth and the face. The dental prosthesis appears   of the tongue and a pleasant tongue contact.
           especially natural due to the V-shaped spaces between the incisal   A nuance-rich play of colors and a natural light reflection behavior
           edges that result in the contact areas of the anterior teeth during setup   of the VITA MFT teeth are produced by the balanced interplay of the
           (Figure 12).                                           opalescence, luminescence and translucence of the individual tooth
              The surface texture of the VITA MFT appears especially natural;   layers (Figure 14).
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