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cosmetic section
Fig 20: Plastic framework before the Cr/Co framework is Fig 21: Cr/Co framework as the base for the hybrid prosthesis.
milled with CAD/CAM.
Fig 22 Fig 23 Fig 24
Fig 22-24: The finished hybrid prosthesis on the model and in situ.
In the case of CAD/CAM-manufactured hybrid prostheses, it
is recommended to perform a try-in with the screwed-in plastic
framework in advance and to check the fit in the patient’s mouth
(Figure 20). After the scan, the final framework is produced
(Figure 21).
If the first setup is also confirmed with the framework during
the new wax try-in, the prosthesis can be implemented in plastic.
If necessary, the shade of the gingiva can be characterized during
this process. The occlusal corrections in the articulator are
followed by the final polishing of the prosthesis (Figures 22, 23
and 24).
Implant-supported overdenture with bars
The preparatory steps are identical to the previously described
ones, including the production of the silicone matrices. However,
the setup of the VITA MFT teeth must be taken into account
during scanning and construction of the framework when
fabricating with the CAD/CAM technique (Figure 25). The fit
of the completed bar tertiary structure is checked in the patient’s
mouth (Figures 26 and 27).
In the next step, the reinforcement framework is cast, and
a new wax try-in is done with the teeth, retaining elements,
Fig 25: The setup of the teeth is taken into account during anchors, bar attachments etc. that are fastened to the framework
scanning and construction. with plastic. Finally, the shade of the mucous membrane parts
shaped with plastic is characterized and occlusal corrections are
made (Figures 28 and 29).
Cases from praCtiCe, solved with vita mft teeth
Implant-supported hybrid prosthesis Mucous membrane-supported full prosthesis
After the setup of the VITA MFT, the correct position of the teeth is checked The VITA MFT teeth are setup in the classical way with the
from a functional as well as esthetic perspective and corrected if necessary mucous membrane-supported full prosthesis. The gingival parts
during the patient try-in (Figure 18). The tooth setup is fixed in a silicone are already shaped for a natural look for the wax try-in (Figure 30
matrix. After the wax is removed, the matrix makes it possible to check and 31). This allows the patient to already get a good impression of
whether there is sufficient space available for the framework (Figure 19). how natural the teeth will appear in his or her mouth in this stage.
54 Dental Practice i March-April 2023 i Vol 19 No 2