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Look Different 18 Ways
1. exhibit a reference model
2. therapeutic efficacy
3. communicate clinical status to the patient
4. communicate the evolution of a pathology to the
5. communicate simulated clinical situations with their
resolutions to the patient
6. inform the patient of the therapy performed
7. increase the patient’s compliance
8. useful diagnostic and planning tools for (DSD)
9. communicate the various treatment plans to the
patient (DSD)
10. comparison tool between different operating Fig 5: The photos allow us to document/analyze the
techniques effectiveness of prosthetic temporary therapy
11. communicate a treatment plan to the dental TEAM
(Keynote, WhatsApp, Dropbox)
12. identify and communicate color and micro and
macro anatomy to the laboratory
13. identify and communicate the esthetic parameters
to the laboratory (DSD)
14. communicate the clinical status of a patient to
colleagues outside the study
15. create your own photographic portfolio
16. follow up with professional growth tools
17. documentation for medico-legal records
18. photo/video web sharing
Fig 3: It will be thanks to photographic vision that we will
show to our patients, the work team and to the profession of
dentistry in “Look Different”
Fig 6: We will show the patient the origin of the fistula
Visual Process Workflow
Fig 7: Highlighting a problem and its etiology
Fig 4: Based on the concept of vision expressed earlier, the
interpretation and feelings aroused by viewing the image
will be different depending on the observer. If observed by a Often, following a diagnosis of tooth decay, the patient responds:
patient: it will arouse the desire to emulate the same dentition. but I don’t have any pain!!! Show the affected tooth decay and respond
If observed by a dentist: perhaps he or she will dwell on the to the patient, “So why not photograph it?”
translucencies of the incisal edge or the shapes and texture of But why does “what we see and understand” allow us to interact
the soft and hard tissues with the state of mind of the observer?
The Digital Smile Design (DSD) (Figure 16) is a revolutionary
Let us analyze the process that encompasses the concept of “vision” methodology used by clinicians around the world, which allows you
(Figure 2). If I wanted to use a term which would encapsulate an idea to:
to derive a new point of view, I would take my cue from the famous • accurately diagnose aesthetics and function
phrase “Think different” , which still echoes around the world. To get a • perfectly design the treatment plan
new perspective, let’s “Look Different.” It will be through photographic • convey the final result to the patient, the team and the dental
vision that we will show our patients and the dental profession how to technician
“Look Different” (Figure 3). • take advantage of a powerful marketing tool which has a strong
The author will attempt to elaborate on the concepts expressed with emotional impact on the patient
the image examples that each “look different” (Figures. 4 to 15). At the exact moment when the patient understands the benefits
Dental Practice i March-April 2023 i Vol 19 No 2 39