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IDS 2021: DrIvIng force of the Dentsply Sirona and 3Shape
global Dental InDuStry announce strategic partnership
High number of registrations from Dentsply Sirona, the world’s largest manufacturer of professional dental prod-
home and abroad ucts and technologies, announced today that it entered into a partnership with
A few months before the start of the International Dental 3Shape, a developer and manufacturer of 3D scanners and CAD/CAM soft-
Show 2021, the most important industry platform of the ware solutions based in Copenhagen, Denmark. The first step of this partner-
global dental industry in Cologne, and the preparations ship focuses on a facilitated collaboration between 3Shape’s intraoral scanner
are in full swing. With a new, hybrid trade fair format, 3Shape TRIOS and Dentsply Sirona’s SureSmile Clear Aligners.
IDS is proving to be the reliable compass for the safe nav- As part of their steps to innovate dentistry and lead the digital transforma-
igation towards successful business in the post-Corona tion, Dentsply Sirona and 3Shape have
era. This includes for instance the integration of agreed to work on multiple strategic oppor-
IDSconnect, a digital trade fair platform that enables a tunities in order to improve digital den-
consistent, international reach and customer address and tistry and oral health. In the immediate
unites the key strengths of a physical trade fair with the term, the partnership will focus on a col-
forward-looking digital possibilities. laboration for better access of TRIOS users
To-date around 850 companies from 57 countries to SureSmile Clear Aligners. Opening the
have confirmed their participation at IDS 2021 - a platforms to the 3Shape system allows den-
remarkable intermediate result against the backdrop of tal professionals to benefit from greater
the past months. In line with the pandemic-related frame- choices, more flexibility, and smoother
work conditions, IDS is being staged in Halls 2, 3, 10 and workflows in the future.
11. All halls are connected via a simple circular route that “The collaboration with 3Shape sup-
has been optimised for visitors. The four entrance areas of ports our goal of tailoring our product
IDS 2021 - the South, East and West entrances and the solutions to the needs of our customers. Don Casey, Chief Executive Officer,
entrance on the trade fair Boulevard - ensure that the vis- We want to give dental professionals real Dentsply Sirona
itors will be evenly distributed throughout the exhibition added value with digital technologies that
halls - in line with the current protection regulation. A can be easily integrated and are an intelli-
Food Court Area will be installed alongside the existing gent advancement in their routine work-
food service and recreational areas to additionally ensure flows,” says Don Casey, Chief Executive
the visitors and exhibitors are safely provided with food Officer of Dentsply Sirona. “Open systems
services. allow the integration of new functions into
In addition to the physical exhibition, IDS 2021 is also existing practice and laboratory structures.
offering the exhibitors and visitors the digital platform, We are convinced that we have an excellent
IDSconnect. This hybrid approach enables visitors all partner for this with 3Shape and look for-
over the globe, who are not able to travel to Cologne, to ward to additional partnership opportuni-
discover attractive trade fair profiles and products and ties in the future.” For 3Shape, the new
connect with contact partners via innovative channels. partnership means an additional service to
The digital platform of IDS is very easy and intuitive for its customers: “3Shape’s goals and solu-
everyone to use – even without previous digital experi- tions are based on an open ecosystem phi-
ence – bringing the world’s largest dental show directly to losophy and on working together with Jakob Just-Bomholt, Chief Executive
your screen at home or office for an authentic trade fair other companies to provide better and Officer, 3Shape
experience. more cost-effective solutions that will ben-
efit clinicians and their patients”, says
Jakob Just-Bomholt, Chief Executive Officer of 3Shape. “We’re very excited
that TRIOS users can now take advantage of the leading SureSmile Aligners
treatment through a smoother workflow.”
The partnership between Dentsply Sirona and 3Shape opens opportunities
to develop together in selected areas. The connection from 3Shape’s TRIOS
scanner to SureSmile will be improved and streamlined to allow 3Shape cus-
tomers smoother access to the fast-growing clear aligner system SureSmile.
Pioneered by orthodontic specialists, SureSmile Aligners are designed using
advanced software to ensure they fit perfectly and deliver the exact tooth
movements needed to achieve great results in the shortest possible time.
More information about SureSmile Clear Aligners is available on the
Dentsply Sirona Website:
More information about TRIOS is available on the 3Shape website:
66 Dental Practice // May-June 2021 // Vol 17 No 5