Page 67 - Dental Practice Vol 17 No.5_Neat
P. 67
                                                          Everything Dental

                                                     Over the age of 50? Diabetic?
                                                    On medications for Hypertension?
                    PYX DM Toothpaste             You may have cavities because of your Dry Mouth condition.
                 Anti-cavity Toothpaste For Dry Mouth  Use PYX DM toothpaste to achieve freedom from dryness and cavities.

                                                                                                  How It Works

                  *Plemons, J. M., Al-Hashimi, I., & Marek, C. L. (2014). Managing xerostomia and salivary gland hypofunction: executive summary of a report from the American Dental Association Council on Scientific Affairs. The Journal of the American
                  Dental Association, 145(8), 867-873.
                  **Assery, M. K. (2019). Efficacy of artificial salivary substitutes in treatment of xerostomia: A systematic review. Journal of pharmacy & bioallied sciences, 11(Suppl 1), S1.

                                                           GUM PROBLEMS
                    PYX G Toothpaste
                                                          NO LONGER

                                                             A PROBLEM!
                                             Pyx G is an everyday toothpaste for plaque control & tooth whitening.
                                              Hydroxyl mouthwash is a non-staining, ultimate antiseptic cleanser.
                                            Combination of the two is found to be effective against all cariogenic and
                                              periodontal disease causing  gram negative anaerobic organisms.
                                                                                                  How They Work
                   Hydroxyl Mouthwash

                  *Madeswaran S, Jayachandran S. Sodium bicarbonate: A review and its uses in dentistry. Indian J Dent Res 2018;29:672-7.
                  **Jhingta, P., Bhardwaj, A., Sharma, D., Kumar, N., Bhardwaj, V. K., & Vaid, S. (2013). Effect of hydrogen peroxide mouthwash as an adjunct to chlorhexidine on stains and plaque. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology, 17(4), 449.

                     PYX SF Toothpaste
                                                              This WINTER,
                                             take the 2-day desensitizing challenge with Pyx
                                                           SF and Proflo Plus!

                                             Pyx SF is an advanced toothpaste for sensitive teeth. Proflo plus is a
                                             desensitizing mouthwash. The combination gives you advanced and
                                                      guaranteed relief from tooth sensitivity.
                                                                                                  How They Work
                    Proflo Plus Mouthwash

                  *Bellamy, P. G., Khera, N., Day, T. N., Barker, M. L., & Mussett, A. J. (2009). A randomized clinical trial to compare plaque inhibition of a sodium fluoride/potassium nitrate dentifrice versus a stabilized stannous fluoride/sodium
                  hexametaphosphate dentifrice. J Contemp Dent Pract, 10(2), 1-9.
                  **Sharma, N., He, T., Barker, M. L., & Biesbrock, A. R. (2013). Plaque control evaluation of a stabilized stannous fluoride dentifrice compared to a triclosan dentifrice in a six-week trial. The Journal of Clinical Dentistry, 24(1), 31-36.

                                                        3 Problems –1 solution!
                                                     Oral gel for pain relief, prevents gum infections.
                          MXL Gel

                                                                                                  How It Works

                   *Mishra, A., & Baddam Harshitha, K. R. (2015). Comparative evaluation of adjunctive use of four commercially available antimicrobial topical gels in chronic gingivitis: A clinical study. Journal Of Applied Dental and Medical Sciences, 1, 3.
                   **Pradeep, A. R., Kumari, M., Priyanka, N., & Naik, S. B. (2012). Efficacy of chlorhexidine, metronidazole and combination gel in the treatment of gingivitis--a randomized clinical trial. Journal of the International Academy of
                   Periodontology, 14(4), 91-96.
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