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              GLAZE DENTAL DEPOT USA                           5 clear aligner masters join forces

                                                               to launch Bsurealigners mentoring
             With  the  objective  of  creating  a  global  presence  for  the
             company and to expand the business world wide, Glaze  and hand holding framework
             Depot USA has acquired Alvy Dental Supply, one of USA’s
             oldest and fastest growing dental company which has its
             presence in the market for the last 75 years. Glaze Depot  Fortune Business Insights reported  and  progress  their  understanding
             USA was started by Vishal Vashi after he moved to the US  that the global clear aligners market  of the modality.
             from Mumbai with the idea of expanding global opera-  size  reached  $2.41  billion  in  2020  The founders are unsure about
             tions.  Founded  in  Year  1946  by  Dan  Alvy,  Alvy  Dental  and is projected to reach $10.04 bil-  some of the services set up to help
             Supply has come a long way from its origins in New Jersey.  lion by 2028. It also commented on  newly  trained  providers  and  sug-
             Post acquisition, the company now boasts of a portfolio of  the  benefits  of  clear  aligners  over  gests  that  doctors  who  use  treat-
             over 1500 products representing 60 industry leaders.   traditional  metal  braces;  The  ment  planning  services  do  not
                                                               launch of technologically advanced  learn if everything is done for them.
                                                               clear aligners and increasing focus  So Besurealigners is not offering to
                                                               on developing advanced dental aes-  undertake doctor’s treatment plan-
                                                               thetics are major factors driving the  ning,  instead  the  expert  team
                                                               growth of the market.        review  and  advise  about  prospec-
                                                                 The  challenges  and  opportuni-  tive  treatment  strategies,  provide
                                                               ties  of  the  pandemic  were  clearly  practical  ways  to  create  short  and
                                                               catalysts for an exponential growth  precise treatment plans, as well as
                                                               of  the  sector  and  for  many  more  help with case follow through and
                                                               doctors  to  embrace  clear  aligner  modifications.
                                                               therapy. Companies such as Align  A  subscription  costs  only
                                                               Technology  stepped  up  its  educa-  EU  100  per  month  and  members
                                                               tion  and  certification/recertifica-  are mentored by the team with lec-
                                                               tion for non-aligned doctors, how-  tures, private sessions and a dash-
                                                               ever,  there  is  often  a  dichotomy  board  that  they  may  use  to
             Engineering College and Dental                    between  undertaking  training  and  exchange ideas and share problems.
                                                               having the confidence to apply this  The program is structured not as a
             Researchers Partner with NASA                     in  practice,  so  it  is  timely  that  series  of  lectures,  but  rather  a
                                                               Bsurealigners has just launched to  workflow  that  will  give  members
             and Colgate on Space Launch                       bridge the gap.              tools to ascend the rungs to treat-
                                                                 Clear  aligner  experts  Rafi  ment  confidence.  All  sessions  are
              A  First-of-its-kind  device                     Romano  and  Nimrod  Dykstein  recorded  and  are  available  on  the
              developed  by  University  of                    both from Israel, Susana Palma and  dashboard, especially for those who
              Nevada   Las   Vegas   for                       Javier  Lozano  from  Spain,  Udo  encounter  difficulty  viewing  live
              International  Space  Station                    Windsheimer  from  Germany  and  due to time zone differences.
              experiment  will  test  micro-                   Jignesh  Kothari  from  India  –  all  Members can also enrol in pri-
              gravity and Earth differences in                 world-  renowned  speakers  and  vate one to one sessions or groups
              growth  and  treatment  of  oral                 Invisalign  Diamond  Providers  -  of up to ten participants to discuss
              bacteria.                                        recently  joined  forces  to  provide  their  own  cases,  their  own
                Researchers  from  UNLV’s                      doctors with a robust hand-holding  ClinCheck  plans,  as  well  as  learn
              College  of  Engineering  and  School  of  Dental  Medicine  framework for clear aligner therapy  from  peers  at  a  similar  level  of
              have teamed up with NASA and Colgate and will test peri-  under  Bsurealigners,  a  new  global  development.
              odontal disease prevention in space.             mentoring,  support  and  on-going
                On June 3rd, the rocket Space X CRS-22 launched on a  guidance  platform  which  gives  For more information about
              journey to the International Space Station. On board was  doctors  the  opportunity  to  obtain  Bsurealigners visit
              a selection of test kits containing saliva from the mouths of  support,  discuss  their  own  cases
              30 UNLV dental clinic patients as well 3D-printed, bat-
              tery-powered microfluidic pump devices. These kits will
              test  the  germs’  growth  and  the  treatment  with  Colgate
              products. This research was spurned by the question as to
              whether  dental  hygiene  products  would  be  effective  for
              long-term space travel. The test kits will return in July for

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