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           ANTERIOR/POSTERIOR CROSSBITES                          Pediatric Dental Specialist tends to use space regainers to re-coup the
           Anterior crossbites are often due to retained deciduous teeth  (as   spaces for pre-molars so that a malocclusion can be intercepted. Two
           in Figure 11), while posterior crossbites can be related to habits   Different types of Space Regainers used will be shared. Distalization
           affecting muscle function, bone structure, and teeth alignment.   (See Figures 24 to 29) and Mesialization (See Figures 30 to 35).
           Early correction of crossbites is crucial as it impacts transverse jaw
           development, reducing arch perimeter and space for teeth alignment,   CONCLUSION
           ultimately leading to malocclusion. The 3 most common methods of   Early detection of causative issues in the oral cavity is essential for
           cross bite corrections are – using an inclined plane (Figures 12 to 14),   proper jaw development and teeth alignment, enhancing masticatory
           a Z –spring (Figures 15 to 19) and the single tooth expansion screw   efficiency, speech, phonetics, and aesthetic smiles. n
           (Figures 20 to 23).
                                                                  Some of the above Clinical Photographs and follow-ups have been
           DISTALIZATION/ MESIALIZATION IN THE LEEWAY SPACE       published in the Textbook of Pediatric Dentistry – Dr. Shobha Tandon-
           OF NANCE AREAS.                                        3rd Edition, Paras Medical Publishing House, and some of the others
           The permanent Molars may mesially tilt or bodily move and result   have been accepted for the forthcoming next Edition: Textbook of
           in an impediment to the eruption of the Pre-molars or the eruption   Clinical Pediatric Dentistry – Dr. Shobha Tandon – 4th Edition (to be
           pathway and space for the pre-molars are being obstructed the   published shortly).

           1.  Ahal, Ritu  and Rajesh. 2024. “Interceptions in Pediatric Dentistry” Vol. 20 No.3 May – June, Pages 12 -16.
           2.  Tandon, Shobha, 2018. Textbook of Pediatric Dentistry – 3rd Edition  Vol. I & II: India, Paras Medical Publishing House. ISBN: 978-
           3.  Ronsivalle, V.; Nucci, L.; Bua, N.; Palazzo, G.; La Rosa, S. Elastodontic Appliances for the Interception of Malocclusion in Children: A
             Systematic Narrative Hybrid Review. Children 2023, 10, 1821.
           4.  Wong ML, Che Fatimah Awang, Ng LK, Norlian D, Rashidah Dato Burhanudin, Gere MJ. Role of interceptive orthodontics in early mixed
             dentition. Singapore Dent J. 2004 Dec;26(1):10-4. PMID: 15736836.
           5.  Kerosuo H. The role of prevention and simple interceptive measures in reducing the need for orthodontic treatment. Med Princ Pract.
             2002;11 Suppl 1:16-21. doi: 10.1159/000057774. PMID: 12123111.
           6.  Fleming PS, Johal A, DiBiase AT. Managing malocclusion in the mixed dentition: six keys to success. Part 1. Dent Update. 2008
             Nov;35(9):607-10, 612-3. doi: 10.12968/denu.2008.35.9.607. PMID: 19065877.


                             Prof. Rajesh Ahal has done his Bachelors from College of Dental Surgery, Manipal under Mangalore University
                             in 1993. He was awarded Masters in Pediatric Dentistry under M.A.H.E. University in 1996. He was the
                             recipient of the Best Outgoing Student Award by the International College of Dentists in 1993 and was also
                             awarded a Merit Masters program in Pediatric Dentistry. He was a Senior Resident at Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia
                             Hospital, New Delhi. He has been the Professor & Head of Department of Pediatric Dentistry from 2009 to
                             2017 at the private dental college at Jammu. He has been into clinical practice for 33 years now. He is also a
                             cycling enthusiast and also has many long-distance cycling events to his credit.

                             Both the authors can be followed on Facebook, Instagram handles as well as their clinic handles.

                             Dr. Ritu Ahal finished her Bachelors from Kurukshetra University and Masters from Karaikudi University.
                             She has been practicing clinical dentistry for 26 years. She has previously contributed for dental related
                             textbooks and has been presenting at the local and national fora from time to time. She also has many long-
                             distance cycling events at the National level to her credits.

           Rajesh Ahal, Ritu Ahal (2024). Interceptions In Pediatric Dentistry: Basic Interceptive Pediatric Dentistry. Dental Practice,
           20(5), 20-26
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