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Fig 4: Palatal Crib – Labial View.                            Fig 5: Palatal Crib – Palatal View

           Fig 6: 9 Months later – A perfect Overjet & Overbite – The skeletal & Dental   Fig 7: This child with a lip trap has proclined anteriors.
           Malocclusion has self corrected on removal of the Cause.

           • Difficulty in swallowing, leading to slow eating habits.  • Stop by 15-16 months of age.
           • A strong gag reflex, making dental treatment challenging.  • Never be given during sleep or while falling asleep (passage to sleep).
           •  Forward tongue positioning, resulting in anterior open bite or Class
            II mandibular position.                                  If a child can drink water from a glass, they can also drink milk
           • Associated tongue thrust.                            from a glass. Typically, children transition from an infantile swallow
                                                                  pattern to an adult swallow pattern by 2.6 to 3 years of age. Prolonged
           Thumbsucking Habit: While normal in infancy, persistent thumb   breastfeeding or bottle feeding can result in the retention of the
           sucking beyond the age of 4 years can impact jaw growth and teeth   infantile swallow pattern, leading to a retained infantile or tongue
           alignment, leading to: (Figures 2 to 6)                thrust habit. This can cause:
           • Anterior open bite.                                  •  Anterior open bite: Even 1 gram of tongue pressure can move teeth,
           • Associated tongue thrust habit.                        and the tongue can exert up to 160 grams of pressure if a tongue
           • High arched hard palate.                               thrust habit develops.
           • Unilateral or bilateral posterior crossbites.        • Irregular mandibular anterior teeth.
           • Oral breathing habit, leading to dry mouth upon waking.  • Developing skeletal Class II.
           • Enlarged tonsils or recurrent tonsillitis.           • Restrictive or constrictive airway breathing issues.
             By addressing these habits early, Pediatric Dentists can help prevent
           the development of malocclusion and its associated complications.  RETAINED DECIDUOUS TEETH
                                                                  Modern dietary habits have shifted away from fibrous foods like
           Tongue Thrusting Habit                                 makki or chawal ki roti and raw sugarcane, which were common
           One significant cause of tongue thrusting is prolonged breastfeeding   in previous generations. Today’s softer, more refined foods can
           or bottle feeding. As discussed in Part I (Ahal 2024, 12)  of this series,   lead to retained deciduous teeth, causing permanent teeth to
           these habits can also lead to increased decay in deciduous teeth. To   erupt abnormally and resulting in malalignment challenges. (Figures
           prevent this, breastfeeding or bottle feeding should: (Figures 8 and 9)  10 and 11).

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                                                              Dental Practice I November-December 2024 I Vol 20 No 5  21
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