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Fig 10-11: A collagen membrane was placed before primary closure of the surgical site with sutures
implant, and provide greater control and more precise targeting of
infected tissue than can be achieved with conventional protocols
(Figure 12).
As such, the use of erbium YAG lasers can help restore the
implant surface to its original condition, improving the long-term
outlook for bone and soft tissue health, longevity of the implant and,
ultimately, the patient experience. n
• Baudot F (2017) Er:YAG laser for peri-implantitis treatment.
Implantology 4: 6-12
• Shibli JA (2018) Is laser the best choice for the
treatment of periimplantitis? Photomedicine and Laser Surgery
36(11): 569-70
Fig 12: Improved reach and control can be achieved with
erbium YAG laser technology
of the surgical site with a closed flap technique and sutures (Figures
10 and 11). ABOUT THE AUTHOR
The patient’s postoperative care included 500mg of amoxicillin
three times daily for seven days, and he was advised to follow a softer Dr Senthil Thiagarajan,
diet for six weeks. BDS, MPH, IQE,MFDS, MSc
The use of a salt-water mouthwash was recommended during the Senthil is the clinical director and principal
24 hours after treatment, with analgesics as required. dentist at Smile Suffolk. He has a keen
After two weeks, the patient returned for the healing site to be interest in the fields of cosmetic dentistry
examined. He will be invited back after three months and, should and dental implantology. Senthil holds an
MSc in oral surgery and dental implants
the hard and soft tissues look favourable, he will be fitted with a new as well as a postgraduate certificate
abutment and crown. in cosmetic and aesthetic restorative
dentistry. Since graduating, Senthil has
IMPROVED REACH AND CONTROL advanced his clinical experience by holding senior house
Laser technology as part of the treatment workflow for peri-implantitis officer posts in oral and maxillofacial surgery at several
offers the clinician the most advanced tool to deal with this condition. hospitals. Senthil regularly holds in-practice observation
All-tissue lasers extend the reach for difficult-to-access parts of the days covering all applications of laser dentistry.
18 Dental Practice I November-December 2024 I Vol 20 No 5