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particle abrasion is performed using 25-micron aluminum oxide   finger to prevent movement during the wedge placement. A Strata
           powder. This process cleans the cavity preparation and enhances   G- SGYL Extra small yellow wedge was then inserted to securely
           bonding strength, particularly by increasing microporosity in the   position both bands. This method ensures a tight seal at the floor
           root dentine.                                           of the cavity. If gaps are visible, the bands can be pushed further
                                                                   down or a larger wedge can be used. The new wedge design is firmer
           STEP 2: SELECTING AND PLACING THE MATRIX BAND           yet flexible, making it easier to insert and adapt to narrow spaces
           Selecting the appropriate bands is crucial when restoring Class   effectively (Figure 3).
           II defects, and this becomes even more critical when dealing with
           adjacent defects. It is essential to ensure that the marginal ridge is   STEP 3: ETCHING AND BONDING
           correctly dimensioned and aligns with the occlusal anatomy. This   A selective etching technique was employed using a 35% phosphoric
           alignment is vital for creating well-defined adjacent triangular fossae   acid solution, followed by thorough rinsing with water.
           and a properly shaped occlusal embrasure. Therefore, the height of   For reliable adhesion, I prefer using a sixth-generation bonding
           the marginal ridge largely depends on the choice of band height.  system such as Shofu FL-Bond II. This bonding agent effectively
              For this case, Garrison Firm Matrix Bands, FXH 175, were selected   wets the etched dentin without collapsing the collagen and facilitates
           to restore the contact between teeth #14 and #15. To establish a tight   penetration  into  the demineralized  area. To  maintain  a  moist
           contact point between teeth #15 and #16, one firm band FXH 175   dentinal substrate, apply a generous amount of primer, allow it to sit
           and one dead-soft band FX 175(Purple) were used. The firmness   undisturbed for 10 seconds, and then air dry for 5 seconds to ensure
           of the band material facilitates easy placement and secure fitting,   the solvent evaporates. This process mildly acidifies the dentin.
           whether using two firm bands or one firm and one dead-soft band.   The bonding agent should be applied as an even layer over the
           In addition, the firm bands maintain their shape and do not distort   entire restorative surface and light-cured for 30 seconds. For shallow
           during the composite injection molding procedure, ensuring accurate   defects, 10 seconds of light curing may suffice, but deeper defects
           and reliable restoration outcomes.                      require the full 30 seconds to ensure optimal curing. It is crucial that
              The bands were positioned by holding them in place with one   your light curing unit has a curing depth of at least 10 mm to achieve

           Fig 4: After completing the restoration of the defect on tooth #16, the   Fig 5: After completing restoring tooth #16 and #15 there is no
           Garrison Strata G blue ring was placed, with sequential wedging using a   excess flash of composite material, and the marginal ridges are at
           small blue wedge.                                           an equal height, indicating a well-finished restoration

                                                                                             Fig 7: After completing the
                                                                                             restoration of the defect on tooth
                                                                                             #15, the Garrison Strata G blue
                                                                                             ring was placed, with sequential
           Fig 46: Final step in creating marginal                                           wedging using a small blue wedge,
                                                                                             check the seal.

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                                                              Dental Practice I November-December 2024 I Vol 20 No 5  13
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