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K. Dorji and P. Choephyel published an article titled   Pandemic of Mistreated Nature” organized by National   •  Science Leadership Workshop Central University of
             “Bat (Mammalia: Chiroptera) Diversity, Dominance,   Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home   Punjab, Bathinda, May 10 – May 16, 2020.
             and Richness in the Southwestern Region of Bhutan   Affairs, Govt. of India held on 15th June 2020.
             with three New Records for the Country Journal of                                                DR. DEEKSHA KATYAL
             Threatened Taxa. Vol.12 (1).
                                                             PROF ANUBHA KAUSHIK                              •  Delivered a lecture on “Evaluating the engagement of
            •  Pratihar, S., C. Dandapat and S.K. Das published an   •  Keynote lecture “ Ecological and Environmental   Educational institutions in alleviating air pollution” at an
             article titled“A New Species of the Genus Idiops Perty,   Perspectives of COVID-19 Pandemic” in  National Webinar    International workshop on Air pollution and public health:
             1833 (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Idiopidae) from West   “ Biological and Health Issues of COVID-19” organized by   Challenges and Interventions organized by Centre for
             Bengal, India” in Serket 17(3).
                                                              Deptt. of Zoology, Salipur Autonomous College, Odisha.   Science and Technology of the Non-Aligned and other
            •  Paul, M., R. Singh and S.K. Das published an article   July 28-29, 2020.                        developing countries, 6th February, 2020.
             titled “Preliminary Investigation on Moths (Lepidoptera:   •  Keynote lecture “ Sustainable  Approaches for    •  Delivered a lecture on “Water quality assessment and
             Heterocera) as Pollinators in Urban Settlements of Delhi”   Environmental Protection : Lessons Learnt from   monitoring using index mapping” at a Conference on
             in International Journal of Ecology and Development 35(3):   COVID-19 Pandemic” in Webinar  Series organized by   Ecosystem Health and Fisheries of Indian Inland Waters:
                                                              Deptt. of Applied Sciences, KIET Group of Institutions,   Multiple Stressors, Management & Conservation at
            •  Choudhury, S.R., S. Malik, R. Hippargi, M. Siliwal, and   Ghaziabad, UP, June 25, 2020.         Pantnagar, Uttarakhand, 18th February, 2020.
             S.K. Das published an article titled “Further Reporting   •  Delivered Talk on “ Eco-centric approach for   •  Attended an Online FDP program on “Design
             with Description of Two Rare Spiders Inthaeron rossi and   Environmental Sustainability in  COVID-19 Post-  and Development if MOOC’s and e-Learning
             Cithaeron Indicus (Araneae: Cithaeronidae) from India” in   Pandemic Era.”  As Resource person In one week   Technologies from 10th-16th May, 2020 organised by
             Munis Entomology and Zoology 15(2).
                                                              e- FDP “ Environmental Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic:   University School of Environment Management, Guru
            •  Palita, S.K., K. De, S.R. Choudhury and S.K. Das   Challenges and Future Research” during 27th May, 2020-  Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.
             published an article titled “First Report of the Lynx Spider   1st June,2020 organized by USEM, GGSIPU, New Delhi
             Oxyopes sertatus L. Koch, 1878 (Araneae: Oxyopidae)   •  Delivered Talk on “Sustainable Environmental Practices
             from India” in Serket 17(2).                                                                     DR PAMPOSH
                                                              for a Safer Future” on 26th May, 2020 as Resource
            •  K.N. Pohekar, Neetu Rani published an article titled   Person  in e- FDP organized by Department of   •  Presented a paper on “Effect of hydrological regime on
             “Surfactant Removal and seasonal impact on the   Geography, Faculty of Earth, Environment and Space,   the sediment bacterial diversity and community structure
             treatment of domestic wastewater in hybrid constructed   Chaudhary Bansi Lal university, Bhiwani in One Week FDP   in Sultanpur Lake, Gurugram, Haryana” (Sandhya Bhat
             wetland” in Vidyabharati International Interdisciplinary   on “Earth, Environment and Space Sciences for Mankind”   and Pamposh) in 6th International Conference on Water
             Research Journal (Special Issue-May 2020), Special   from May 21-28, 2020.                        Resource and Environment (WRE2020), Tokyo, Japan
             Issue of National Conference on Recent Advances in                                                from August 23rd to 26th, 2020 in virtual mode.
             Chemical Sciences-NCRACS 2020 359.                                                               •  Attended online Faculty Development Programme (FDP)
                                                             PROF. VARUN JOSHI                                 on “Design and Development of MOOCs and e-Learning
            •  Neetu Rani, Prashansa Tamta and  Asheesh Kumar
             Yadav published an article titled in” Enhanced wastewater   •  Participated as a penal member of MLE Mission/  Technologies” organized by University School of
             treatment and electricity generation using stacked   Eminent Expert in the “3rd Monitoring & Evaluation   Education, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University
             constructed wetland–microbial fuel cells” in Environment   (M&E) Workshop -2020” under the National Mission   from 10th May -16th May, 2020
             Chemistry Letters, Springer Publication, 18, 2020.   on Himalayan Studies (NMHS) organized by G B   •  Attended FDP online ‘MOOCs and E-learning Technologies
                                                              Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment &   (Online Mode Only)’ from April 10-15, 2020organized by
            •  K.N. Pohekar and Neetu Rani published an article   Sustainable Development, Kosi-Katarmal, Almora, held at
             titled “Surfactants removal and seasonal impact on the   Indian National Science Academy (INSA), New Delhi from   FDC, M. D. University, Rohtak, Haryana
             treatment of domestic wastewater in hybrid constructed   Jan. 28-29, 2020.                       •  Organised National Workshop on Ecosystem Adaptations
             wetland” in Vidyabharti International Interdisciplinary                                           in River Basin from 4th -5th March, 2020 in University
             Research Journal, (Special Issue) May, 2020.    •  Participated in the “14th Uttarakhand State Science   School of Environment Management, Guru Gobind Singh
                                                              & Technology Congress 2019-20 as an Lead Speaker   Indraprastha University
                                                              and Expert in the discipline of Earth Sciences, GIS and
            Publications: Book Chapters
                                                              Geography” organized by Uttarakhand State for Science
            •  Priyanka Verma and Pamposh published a chapter titled   & Technology (GoUK), Dehradun from Feb. 26 - 29, 2020.  DR SANJAY K DAS
             “Spatial Distribution of Reactive Nitrogen in Najafgarh                                          •  Attended an FDP on “Managing online classes and
             Lake and adjoining canal, Delhi” in Sustainable Climate                                           Cocreating Moocs: 2.0”. Two Weeks (18.05.2020 to
             Action and Water Management, edited by Mishra, RK,   DR. KIRANMAY SARMA                           3.06.2020). Ramanujam College, University of Delhi
             Singh, RB, Dubey, published by Springer Nature, 2020  •  Delivered talk on “Application of Remote Sensing and   (online).
                                                              Geographical Information System: Future Prospects” on
            •  Sandhya Bhat and Pamposh published a chapter titled                                            •  Attended an FDP on “Design and development of Moocs
             “Effect of Pollution on the Sediment Bacterial Diversity   International Webinar organized by Gargaon College of   and elearning technologies”. One Week (10.05.2020 to
             and Composition in Najafgarh Lake, Delhi” in Sustainable   Assam on July 23, 2020.                16.05.2020). GGSIPU, New Delhi (online).
             Climate Action and Water Management edited by   •  Delivered talk on “Environmental resource management   •  Organized (Coordinator) FDP on “Environmental impacts
             Mishra, RK, Singh, RB, Dubey, published by Springer   and Remote Sensing technology” on National Webinar   of Covid 19 pandemic: challenges and future research”
             Nature,2020.                                     organized by Sibsagar Girls’ College, Sivsagar Assam on   One Week (27.05.2020 to 1.06.2020). GGSIPU, New Delhi
                                                              July 10, 2020.
            Conference, Seminars, Workshops, FDPs Attended   •  Delivered talk on “Applications of Remote Sensing to   •  Attended the AAS virtual Summer Symposium from
                                                              climate change studies and research” in Add-on Course
            PROF. N. C. GUPTA                                                                                  25.06.2020- 29.06.2020 organized by American
                                                              on Climate Change: Issues, Concerns and Strategies’’
            •  Organized a conference and chaired a session in   organized by Sri Venkateswara College of Delhi University   Arachnological Society, USA.
             “National Workshop on Ecosystem Adaptation in    on Jan. 25, 2020.                               •  Delivered a lecture on “Importance of spiders for human
             River Basin” organized by USEM, Guru Gobind Singh                                                 beings” 05.02.2020 organized by  GGSIPU, New Delhi (IP
             Indraprastha University, Delhi, New Delhi from March 04                                           Colloquium Lecture).
             to 05, 2020.                                    DR. ANSHU GUPTA                                  •  Delivered a lecture on “Wildlife during Covid19 pandemic:
                                                             •  Faculty Development Program (Online) on Design and   lesson learned and challenges ahead” on 29.07.2020
                                                              Development of MOOCs and e-Learning Technologies,
            PROF. RITA SINGH                                                                                   organized by Salipur Autonomous College, Odisha.
                                                              University School of Education, GGSIPU Delhi, June 22 -
            •  Distinguished Panelist in Webinar on “Covid-19: A
                                                              June 28, 2020.
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