Page 18 - UFOCUS
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Publications: Research Articles in Journals Kumar published a paper titled ‘Study of humidity • Neha Bhardwaj, Biswarup Satpati and
sensing properties and ion beam induced modifications Satyabrata Mohapatra published an article
in SnO2-TiO2 nanocomposite thin films’ in Surface & titled “Plasmon-enhanced Photoluminescence
• Rashmi Bhardwaj and Aashima Bangia published an
article title ‘Data Driven Estimation of Novel COVID-19 Coating Technology 392, 2020; 125768. (Elsevier). from SnO2Nanostructures Decorated with Au
Transmission Risks through Hybrid Soft-Computing • J. Ram, R.G. Singh, F. Singh, V. Chauhan, D. Gupta, V. Nanoparticles” in Applied Surface Science 504,
Techniques’ in Chaos, Soliton and Fractals. 140; 110152 Kumar, U. Kumar, B.C. Yadav, Rajesh Kumar published 144381 (2020).
an article titled ‘Ion beam engineering in WO3-PEDOT: • Shipra Choudhary, Kavita Sahu, Aditi Bisht,
• Rashmi Bhardwaj and Dimple Pruthi published an
article titled ‘Evolutionary Techniques for Optimizing Air PSS hybrid nanocomposite thin films for gas sensing Rahul Singhal and Satyabrata Mohapatra
Quality Model’ in Procedia Computer Science. 167 C. measurement at room temperature’ in Inorganic published an article titled “Template-free and
Chemistry Communications, 2020; 108000, (Elsevier). Surfactant-free Synthesis of CeO2Nanodiscs with
• Rashmi Bhardwaj and Dimple Pruthi published an EnhancedPhotocatalytic Activity” in Applied Surface
article titled ‘Development of Model for Sustainable • Vishnu Chauhan, Rajesh Kumar published an article Science 503, 144102 (2020).
Nitrogen Dioxide Prediction Using Neuronal Networks’ titled ‘Phase transformation and modifications in High-k
in International Journal of Environmental Science and ZrO2 nanocrystalline thin films by low energy Kr5+ ion • Kavita Sahu,Biswarup Satpati and Satyabrata
Technology. 17. beam irradiation’ in Materials Chemistry and Physics, Mohapatra published an article titled “Facile
240, 2020; 122127 (Elsevier). Fabrication of CuO Spindles for Photocatalytic
• Rashmi Bhardwaj and Varsha Duhoonpublished Applications” in Ceramics International 46, 24407-
an article titled‘Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving- • V. Chauhan, Rajesh Kumar published an article 24412 (2020).
Averages Model for Daily Rainfall Forecasting’ in titled ‘Electronic excitation induced modifications in
International Journal of Scientific and Technology surface morphological, optical and physico-chemical • Kavita Sahu, Aditi Bisht, Saif A. Khan, Indra Sulania,
Research. 9(2). properties of ALD grown nanocrystalline Al2O3 thin Rahul Singhal, Akhilesh Pandey and Satyabrata
films’ in Superlattices and Microstructures 141, 2020; Mohapatra published an article titled “Thickness
• Rashmi Bhardwaj and Debabrata Datta published 106389. (Elsevier). Dependent Optical, Structural, Morphological,
an article titled ‘Optimization Techniques’, Revista Photocatalytic and Catalytic Properties of Radio
INGLOMAYOR Ingeniena Global Mayor.18 (A). • R. Gupta, R. P. Chauhan, Rajesh Kumar published
an article titled ‘Influence of gamma radiation on Frequency Magnetron Sputtered Nanostructured
• Rashmi Bhardwaj and Duhoon Varsha published an the optical, morphological, structural and electrical Cu2O-CuO thin Films” inCeramics International 46,
article titled ‘Time Series Analysis Of Rainfall Using properties of electrodeposited lead selenide 14902-14912 (2020).
Heteroskedasticity Models’ in Jñnbha. 50 (1).
nanowires’ in Optical Materials 99, (2020); 109538. • Kavita Sahu, Shipra Choudhary and Satyabrata
• Rashmi Bhardwaj and Saureesh Das published an (Elsevier). Mohapatra published an article titled “Fabrication of
article titled ‘Synchronization of two three-species • Shalendra Kumar, M. Sharma, Rezq Naji Aljawfi, K.H. Au-CuO Hybrid Plasmonic Nanostructured Thin Films
food chain system with Beddington - DeAngelis Chae, Rajesh Kumar, S. Dalela, Adil Alshoaibia, F. with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity” in Materials
functional response Using Active Controllers Based on Ahmed, P.A. Alvi published an article titled ‘Tailoring the Research Bulletin 123, 110707 (2020).
the Lyapunov Function’ in Italian Journal of Pure and structural, electronic structure and optical properties • Kavita Sahu, Aditi Bisht, Sini Kuriakose and Satyabrata
Applied Mathematics. 44.
of Fe: SnO2 nanoparticles’ in Journal of Electron Mohapatra published an article titled“Two-dimensional
• Amar Ratan, Suhasini Kunchakara, Ambuj Tripathi, Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 240, 2020; CuO-ZnO Nanohybrids with Enhanced Photocatalytic
Vaishali Singh published an article titled ‘Physio- 146934. (Elsevier). Performance for Removal of Pollutants” in Journal of
chemical influence of high electron-phonon coupling • S. Kumar, K. Kumari, F.A. Alharthi, F. Ahmed, R.N. Physics and Chemistry of Solids 137, 109223 (2020).
induced by 120 MeV Ag9+ SHI irradiation on exfoliated Aljawfi, P.A. Alvi, Rajesh Kumar, Mohd. Hashim, S. • Satyabrata Mohapatra, Jaspal Singh, Biswarup
MoS2 - PVA nanocomposite films for achieving Dalela published an article titled ‘Investigations of T.M. Satpati published an article titled“Facile synthesis,
remarkable electrical conductivity for potential (Ni, Co) doping on structural, optical and magnetic Structural, Optical and Photocatalytic Properties
application in organic electronics’, Polym. Test. 91, properties of CeO2 nanoparticles’ in Vacuum 181, of Mesoporous Ag2O/TiO2 Nanoheterojunctions”
2020;109717. (Elsevier). in Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 138,
• Suhasini Kunchakara, Amar Ratan, Meenakshi Dutt, • K. Kumari, Rezq Naji Aljawfi, A. K.Chawla, Rajesh 109305 (2020).
Jyoti Shah, R.K. Kotnala, Vaishali Singh published an Kumar, P. Alvi, Adil Alshoaibi, A.Vij, F.Ahmed, M. Abu- • Kavita Sahu, Biswarup Satpati, Rahul Singhal and
article titled ‘Impedimetric humidity sensing studies of samak, S. Kumar published an article titled ‘Engineering Satyabrata Mohapatra published an article titled
Ag doped MCM-41 mesoporous silica coated on silver the optical properties of Cu doped CeO2 NCs for “Enhanced Catalytic Activity of CuO/Cu2O Hybrid
sputtered interdigitated electrodes’, J. Phys. Chem. application in white LED’ in Ceramics International, 46 Nanowires for Reduction of 4-nitrophenol in Water” in
Solids. 145, 2020.
(6), 2020; 7482-7488. (Elsevier). Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 136, 109143
• Meenakshi Dutt, Amar Ratan, Monika Tomar, Vinay • P. Singh, J. Ram, V. Chauhan, P.M.G. Nambissan, (2020).
Gupta, Vaishali Singh published an article titled S. K. Gupta, S. Kumar, S. K. Sharma, P. D. Sahare, • Jaspal Singh,Kavita Sahu, Shipra Choudhary, Aditi Bisht
‘Mesoporous metal oxide–Fe2O3nanocomposites Rajesh Kumar, published an article ‘High dose and Satyabrata Mohapatra published an article titled
for sensing formaldehyde and ethanol at room gamma radiation exposure upon Kapton-H polymer “Thermal Annealing Induced Cave in and Formation of
temperature’, J. Phys. Chem. Solids. 145, 2020.
for modifications of optical, free volume, structural Nanoscale pits in Ag-TiO2Plasmonic Nanocomposite
• Ram Shankar Gupta, Deepika Kumari, Sharfuddin and chemical properties’, Optik 205 (2020) 164244. Thin Film” in Ceramics International 46, 3275-3281
Ahmad published an article titled ‘Lorentz (Elsevier). (2020).
Hypersurfaces in Pseudo-Euclidean Space’, • Deepika Gupta, Vishnu Chauhan, Rajesh Kumar • Harsimrat Kaur, Monika Sharma, Ramkrishna Ghosh,
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, published an article titled ‘A comprehensive review on Satyabrata Mohapatra, Bijoy Kuanr published an
India Section A: Physical Sciences, 90 (1), 23-133, synthesis and applications of molybdenum disulfide article titled“Magnetic Bipolar Transistor based on ZnO/
(MoS2) Material: Past and Recent Developments’ in NiO/Si Heterostructure Using Pulsed Laser Deposition”
• Rajesh Kumar, V. Chauhan, N. Koratkar, S. Kumar, Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2020; 108200, in AIP Advances 10, 015119 (2020).
A. Sharma, Keun-Hwa Chae, Sung Ok Won published (Elsevier). • Kavita Sahu,Aditi Bisht, Saif A. Khan, Akhilesh
an article ‘Influence of high energy ion irradiation on • Kavita Sahu, Aditi Bisht, Akhilesh Pandey,Alapan Pandey and Satyabrata Mohapatra published an
structural, morphological and optical properties of Dutta, Saif A. Khan, Rahul Singhal, Tapobrata Somand article titled“Engineering of Morphological, Optical,
high-k dielectric hafnium oxide (HfO2) thin films grown Satyabrata Mohapatra published an article titled “RF Structural, Photocatalytic and Catalytic Properties of
by atomic layer deposition’ in the Journal of Alloys and Magnetron Sputtered Ag-Cu2O-CuO Nanocomposite Nanostructured CuO Thin Films Fabricated by Reactive
Compounds (2020) 154698. (Elsevier). Thin Films with Enhanced Photocatalytic and Catalytic DC Magnetron Sputtering” in Ceramics International 46,
• V. Kumar, V. Chauhan, J. Ram, R. Gupta, S. Kumar, P. Activities” in Applied Surface Science 517, 146169 7499-7509 (2020).
Chaudhary, B. C. Yadav, S. Ojha, I. Sulania, Rajesh (2020). • Kavita Sahu, Rahul Singhal and Satyabrata