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Mohapatra*, Morphology controlled CuO             Applications in Medical and Agricultural Domains,   •  Rashmi Bhardwaj acted as the resource person in a
             nanostructures for efficient catalytic reduction of   edited by Sachi Nandan Mohanty, Ahmad A Elengar,   one-day webinar and delivered a talk on “Applications
             4-nitrophenol, Catalysis Letters 150, 471-481 (2020).  Sarika Jain, Priya Gupta, Jyotirmoy Chatterjee, pp. 313-  for Fractal in Real Life Problems” organized by the
             (Impact Factor: 2.911)                            327, published by Wiley & Sons, USA, 2020.        Department of Mathematics, Davangere University,
            •  Meenal Gupta, Anusree Das, Satyabrata Mohapatra   •  Debabrata Datta and Rashmi Bhardwaj published   Davengere, Karnataka on May 26, 2020.
             Dipankar Das and Anindya Dattapublished an article   an article titled ‘Fuzziness-Randomness Modeling of   •  Rashmi Bhardwaj was the Keynote-Speaker and
             titled“Surfactant based Synthesis and Magnetic    Plasma Disruption in First Wall of Fusion Reactor Using   also the Guest-of-Honour in the 1st International
             Studies of Cobalt Ferrite” in Applied Physics A 126, 660   Type I Fuzzy Random Set’ in An Introduction to Fuzzy   Conference on Application of Digital Technology on
             (2020).                                           Sets; Pp 91-113. Publisher: Nova publisher Inc., 2020.   Information Communication Technology (ICT) Based
            •  Meenal Gupta, Anusree Das, Dipankar Das,        ISBN: 978-1-53618-012-1                           Teaching Learning Process. She was the Plenary
             Satyabrata Mohapatra, Anindya Datta published an   •  Vishnu Chauhan, Paramjit Singh and Rajesh Kumar   Speaker and also chaired a session. She delivered a
             article titled“Chemical Synthesis of Rare Earth (La, Gd)   published a  book chapter titled ‘Ion beam induced   talk on ‘Mathematical Mysterious of Complex System’
             Doped Cobalt Ferrite and a Comparative Analysis of   modifications in ZnO nanostructures and potential   at Guru Gobind Singh Educational Society’s Technical
             their Magnetic Properties” in Journal of Nanoscience   applications’ in Zinc oxide: Synthesis, Properties and    Campus, Jharkhand University of Technology (JUT),
             and Nanotechnology 20, 5239-5245 (2020). (Impact   Applications (Elsevier)- 2020, ISBN: 9780128189009.  Ranchi, Jharkhand from May 25 – 27, 2020.
             Factor: 1.354)                                                                                     •  Rashmi Bhardwaj was invited to deliver a talk
            •  Kriti Singh, S K Sharma, Shipra Mital Gupta published   Publications: Magazine                    on ‘Chaos and Wavelet – Complex Environmental
             an article titled “Preparation of long duration stable   Debabrata Datta and Rashmi Bhardwaj published an   Applications’ in the International Conference on
             CNT nanofluid using SDS” Integrated Ferroelectrics,   article titled ‘Role of Astronomy in the Fight against the   Innovation Education at National College of Education,
             204(1), 11-22                                                                                       Kathmandu, Nepal from March 2-3, 2020.
                                                              COVID-19 Pandemic’ in Revista INGLOMAYOR Ingeniena
                                                              Global Mayor NEWSLETTER; Vol. 5. 01-23, 2020. ISSN:   •  Rashmi Bhardwaj and Duhoon Varsha were
            Faculty Publications: Book Chapters               0719-7578.   invited to deliver a lecture on ‘Classification and
                                                                                                                 Clustering of Time Series of Weather Data’ on3rd
            •  Rashmi Bhardwaj and Datta, Debabrata published                                                    International Conference on Innovative Computing and
             an article titled “Consensus Algorithm. “Decentralised   Lectures Delivered                         Communication (ICICC-2020) organized by  Shaheed
             Internet of Things: A Blockchain Perspective” in   •  Rashmi Bhardwaj was invited to deliver the Keynote   Sukhdev College of Business Studies, University of
             Studies in Big Data edited by Mohammad Ayoub Khan,   Address on ‘Fractal Analysis of Pathogenesis of   Delhi, New Delhi in association with National Institute of
             Mohammad Tabrez Quasim, Fahad Algarni, Abdullah   COVID 19 Pandemic’ at Amity School of Engineering &   Technology, (NIT) Patna and the University of Valladolid,
             Alharthi, Vol. 71, pp 91-107, published by Springer,   Technology, Amity University, Patna from July 27-31,   Spain from February 21-23, 2020.
             2020. Print ISBN: 978-3-030-38676-4.
                                                               2020.                                            •  Rashmi Bhardwaj and Meenu Chawla were invited to
            •  Rashmi Bhardwaj and Aashima Bangia published   •  Rashmi Bhardwaj was invited to deliver the Keynote   deliver a lecture on ‘Convection Dynamics of Nanofluids
             an article titled ‘Assessment of Stock prices variation   Address on ‘Bridging the Digital Divide Through Gender   for Temperature and Magnetic Field Variations’ at
             using Intelligent Machine Learning Techniques for the   Lens’ at an international webinar (FDP) on ‘Professional   the 3rd International Conference on Innovative
             prediction of BSE... Advances in Intelligent Systems   Development of Women Engineers in Post COVID Era’   Computing and Communication (ICICC-2020) organized
             and Computing (AISC)’ in Numerical Optimization   at Mar Baselios Institute of Technology & Science   by Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies,
             in Engineering and Sciences edited by Kacprzyk J,   (MBITS), Kerala organized from July 20 - 22, 2020.  University of Delhi, New Delhi in association with
             Debashis Dutta and B Mahanty, Vol. 979, pp 159-166,                                                 National Institute of Technology, (NIT) Patna and
             published by Springer, 2020. ISBN: 978-981-15-3214-6.  •  Rashmi Bhardwaj was invited to deliver a lecture
                                                               on ‘Non-linear Inference of Electric Vehicles using   University of Valladolid, Spain. February 21-23, 2020.
            •  Aashima Bangia, Bhardwaj Rashmi and K.V.        Hybrid Fuzzified-PID Controller’ in the 7th International   •  Rashmi Bhardwaj and Debabrata Datta were invited
             Jayakumar published an article titled ‘River water   Conference of Micro – 2020, Delhi Technological   lecture on ‘Development of Micro Numerical Based
             quality estimation through Artificial Intelligence   University, Delhi, India held from July 26- 27, 2020.  Soliton Solution of Tsunami Model to Understand
             conjuncted with Wavelet Decomposition… Advances in                                                  Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Reactor Accident’ at
             Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC)’ in Numerical   •  Rashmi Bhardwaj was invited to deliver a lecture on   International Conference on Mathematical Techniques
             Optimization in Engineering and Sciences edited by   ‘COVID-19 Pandemic Overview using Fractal Analysis’   and Applications (ICMTA – 2020) organized by the
             Kacprzyk J, Debashis Dutta and B Mahanty, Vol. 979.,   at a national level webinar on Mathematical Modeling   Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Engineering
             pp 107-123, published by Springer, 2020. ISBN:978-  on Recent Epidemiological Issues: COVID-19 Disease   and Technology, SRM Institute of Science and
             981-15-3214-6.                                    and its Control Strategies’ organized by the Department
                                                               of Mathematics, Mahadevananda Mahavidyalaya,      Technology, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu, India from Jan.
            •  Rashmi Bhardwaj and Meenu Chawla published an   Barrackpore, Kolkata on July 10, 2020.            30, 2020 – Feb. 1, 2020.
             article titled ‘Convection Dynamics of SiO2 Nanofluid…                                             •  Debabrata Datta and Rashmi Bhardwaj were invited
             Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (AISC)’   •  Rashmi Bhardwaj delivered alecture on ‘Fractals,   to deliver a lecture on “Voronoi Diagram and Its
             in Numerical Optimization in Engineering and Sciences   Complexity and its Applications’ at a One-week Faculty   Application in Meshing of the Domain of Interest for
             edited by Kacprzyk J, Debashis Dutta and B Mahanty,   Development Program on Mathematica, Modelling   Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) Simulation and
             Vol. 979., pp 389-397, published by Springer. ISBN:   and its Applications in Engineering organized by the   Image Processing” at the International Conference on
             978-981-15-3214-6.                                Department of Applied Science & Humanities, Institute   Mathematical Techniques and Applications (ICMTA –
                                                               of Engineering & Technology, Lucknow from July 6 -10,
            •  Rashmi Bhardwaj and Suresh Das published an     2020.                                             2020) organized by the Department of Mathematics,
             article titled ‘Chaos Control Dynamics of Crypto                                                    Faculty of Engineering and Technology, SRM Institute
             Virology in Blockchain’ in Crypto currencies     •  Rashmi Bhardwaj delivered a Referee Address in   of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Tamil Nadu,
             and Blockchain Technologies and Applications:     ‘Finance India International Research Conference July   India from Jan. 30 – Feb. 1, 2020.
             Decentralization and Smart Contracts edited by    2020’ organized by Indian Institute of Finance, Greater   •  Rashmi Bhardwaj and Aashima Bangia delivered a
             Shrivastava, Gulshan; Le, Dac-Nhuong and Sharma,   Noida on July 4, 2020.                           lecture on ‘Dynamic Inference of Ferric Oxide (Fe3O4)
             Kavita, pp 129-148, published by Wiley SP Scrivener,   •  Rashmi Bhardwaj was invited to deliver a lecture   Nanoparticles’ at the International Conference
             USA, 2020.                                        on ‘Fractals on data analysis of COVID-19 modelling’   on Advances in Smart Materials and Emerging
                                                               in International E-Conference on Emerging Advances
            •  Rashmi Bhardwaj and Debabrata Datta published                                                     Technologies (ASMET-2020) organized by Indira Gandhi
             an article titled ‘Development of a Recommender   in Mathematical and Physical Sciences (IECEAMPS)   Delhi Technological University for Women, Kashmere
             System Health Mudra Using Blockchain for Prevention   organized by the Department of Mathematics and   Gate, Delhi from Jan. 23 - 24, 2020.
             of Diabetes’ in Recommender System with Machine   Physics, Hindu college, Moradabad, India on June 30,   •  Rashmi Bhardwaj was invited to deliver the plenary
             Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Particle Tools and   2020.
                                                                                                                 lecture on ‘Fractal: Unfold Mathematical Mysteries of
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