Page 61 - Demo
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तस्य सप्तधा प्रान्तभूवमोः प्रज्ञा॥२.२७॥
Patanjali Yoga Sutra 2.27: Tasya saptadhā prāntabhūmiḥ prajñā|
Seven kinds of Ultimate Insight come to the yogi with unshakable discriminative knowledge.
य गाङ्गानष्ठानादशद्धिक्षये ज्ञानदीद्धप्तरावििेकख्यातेोः॥२.२८॥
Due to the ardent practice of the limbs of Yoga, the impurities in the intellect are totally removed. Thereafter, enlightenment occurs, which gives discriminative knowledge to the yogi.
  Patanjali Yoga Sutra 2.28: Yogāṅgānuṣṭhānādaśuddhikṣaye jñānadīptirāvivekakhyāteḥ|
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