Page 74 - Demo
P. 74
2. 3 kaivalyaprāptistu asmitānāśāt।
However, Kaivalya is obtained only with destruction of Asmitā.
The commentary on Sutras 1.6 and 1.7 offer ample explanation about the role of transcending the ahaṁkāra (asmitā, which evolves into Body-Mind complex) in reaching Spiritual Liberation i.e., Kaivalya. It is extremely useful to read that explanation now.
Let us now revisit Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtras that provide the eight-fold path as the first step on the way to kaivlya. Asmitā is the Klesha (affliction) listed next to the main or the root Klehsha, Avidyā. This second position in the list of 5 kleshas is very significant. Because Avidyā leads to Asmitā, which is the cause of identification with the Body-Mind complex and life in the experiential world (dṛśya). It can be said that Avidyā causes alliance between
and dṛśya. But, it is Asmitā or A which sprouts into the jñāneṁdriyas, . Asmitā is definted in the
Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtras as follows.
karmeṁdriyas, mānasa, tanmātras, and paṁcamahābhūtas
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