Page 12 - HSMP student project
P. 12 also stated, “In fact, you are more likely to catch a cold inside a heated building, than outside in the weather. That’s because it’s the germs that are causing you to get sick in the winter, not the weather itself.” Staying inside most of the winter can cause people to also get sick because they're in heated air most of the time.
verall, the main point is that changing weather can influence one's health. Staying at home too long can make it easier for one to contract a disease. Most people get sick more in the winter because they go out less, and staying in the house for too long can cause problems because they are not getting the air that they need. There aren’t really any preventions other than leaving the house. Cool air can help lessen one's percentage rate of getting sick.
 Wellness 101 - Spring 2020

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