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comment about it. Most importantly you need to stay cool and collected. You can find the information at Defend Against Any Bully in 2 Simple Steps by Geoff P.
( hysically bullied) How do you protect yourself from a physical abuse situation? You might need to learn self-defense if speaking up for yourself isn’t possible. It is most important that you should walk away. Some people think that walking away is cowardly but it is not. Additionally, to avoid getting bullied you could stay in a group. Even one person with you is enough. Trust your gut and be aware of your surroundings. Don't look at your phone all the time and look around you. Use your brain not your fist even when you’re trapped. Remain calm and collected. I got this information from 9 Self-Defense Strategies Kids Can Use Against Bullies. By Sherri Gordon
ealing with bullying, These are some ways for you to handle your bullying situation. Most bullies bully people who are weak, timid, shy, or a unique person, and sadly a disabled person. You need to learn to be confident and walk with your head high. When you build enough courage, confront your bully about it. When your bully comes up to you and bothers you just ignore them and act like they're not there and walk away. If your friend ends up getting bullied go
Wellness 101 - Spring 2020