Page 38 - My FlipBook 1
P. 38

IV’s cantina scene—who   food movement, but her                            LOS ANGELES
                  didn’t want to hang out   larkish, low-lit Bar One                         IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING
                  there? That would explain   Fourteen feels more like                       It’s easy to lose time at this
                  the constant lines outside   a lyric poem than a mission                   DTLA hi-fi joint. Dropping
                  Oga’s Cantina, a part of the   statement. Conceived with                   in at 3:00 p.m. on a Friday,
                  Star Wars theme park, Gal-  the help of indie rocker                       I ordered coffee and kom-
                  axy’s Edge. But it is worth   Vess Ruhtenberg, a veteran                   bucha, only to be capti-
                  the wait to have that proto–  of bands like the Lemon-                     vated by the turntables and
                  bar fantasy fulfilled. There   heads, this bar is essentially              Line Magnetic tube amp
                  are smoking drinks in    a state-of-the-art listening                      power. What esoteric ’80s
                  neon colors, a starship   sanctuary. The record                            electronica album will
                  pilot turned DJ, and—who   collection (vinyl only) is the   cheerful Happy Days   come on next? Afternoon
                  knows?—Han Solo might   stuff of High Fidelity fever   energy during the day, but   soon melted into evening
                  just slide in next to you.    dreams, and a recent cock-  those who prefer manhat-  and I downshifted into
                  351 South Studio Drive, Lake   tail list took its inspiration   tans to milkshakes show up   cocktails and wine and Jap-
                  Buena Vista, Florida    from Dante’s Divine Com-  at night, when the stools   anese rice whiskey. Tokyo
                  —Adrienne Westenfeld  edy. Some bars help you   are stacked and the lights   has known the potency of
                                       shut off your brain, but this   low.  First-timers will have   the combination of a
                  HUDSON, NEW YORK     bar feeds it. 114 East Forty-   to trust the rumors—that    hushed room, whiskey, and
                  THE SPOTTY DOG       ninth Street —J. G.   if they let themselves in the   a killer sound system for
                  “I loafe and invite my soul,”              unlocked door and tiptoe        years now. We’re thrilled
                  Walt Whitman once wrote.   JACKSON, MISSISSIPPI  back, past the booths, and   the concept has finally
                  “I lean and loafe at my ease   THE APOTHECARY AT    push aside a heavy curtain,   arrived stateside.
                  observing a spear of sum-  BRENT’S DRUGS   they’ll find a speakeasy        710 East Fourth Place —K. S.
                  mer grass.” You could   The 1946 soda fountain   in full swing. 655 Duling    THE PRINCE
                                       Brent’s Drugs radiates a
                                                             Avenue —Beth Ann Fennelly
                  describe the hazy, lazy vibe
         THE BEST BARS IN AMERICA, 2020  loafing with Whitman him-  BEST BAR COCKTAILS   PRESIDENTE  “I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass,” Walt Whitman once wrote. You could describe the hazy vibe at the Spotty Dog the same way.  inely cool secret, even
                                                                                             In a town that has no short-
                  at the Spotty Dog the same
                                                                                             age of hidden time warps,
                  way, only the customers are
                  likely to be leaning and
                                                                                             the Prince feels like a genu-
                                                                                             though it’s been around
                  self: The wooden bar runs
                                                By Julio Cabrera of Cafe La Trova, Miami
                  right alongside the shelves
                                                                                             since 1927 and has operated
                                                1½ oz blended aged rum
                  of a bookstore. If you
                                                                                             in its current iteration since
                                                ¾ oz blanc vermouth
                                                                                             1991: a late-night Koreatown
                  enjoy nursing a beer with
                                                ½ oz dry curaçao
                                                                                             haunt where you can get
                  no other company than
                                                1 barspoon grenadine
                  a novel, this is your place.
                                                                                             killer Korean fried chicken
                                                orange peel
                                                                                             and deftly made cocktails.
                  440 Warren Street —J. G.
                                                Combine all ingredients in a mixing glass over ice
                                                                                             round, red banquettes, or
                                                and stir until chilled. Strain into a chilled coupe.
                                                                                             sip an ice-cold Hite at the
                  BAR ONE FOURTEEN
                                                Express the orange peel and discard. Add garnish.
                                                                                             horseshoe bar, you will
                  Martha Hoover is a force    AT HOME  GARNISH: morello cherry               As you sit in one of the
                  of nature in the Midwestern                                                wonder: Where have you
                                                                                             been all of my life? 3198
                                                                                             West Seventh Street —K. S.
                  Bottlehouse in Seattle feels like home, only better.
                                                                                             MADISON, TENNESSEE
                                                                                             DEE’S COUNTRY
                                                                                             COCKTAIL LOUNGE
                                                                                             As I left Dee’s Country
                                                                                             Cocktail Lounge, which
                                                                                             just happens to be located
                                                                                             behind a purple adult
                                                                                             emporium, a man said to
                                                                                             me, “Don’t you love this  CHRISTOPHER GRIFFITH (BOTTLE CAPS). COURTESY BRANDS (DRINK, BOTTLEHOUSE).
                                                                                             place? They welcome
                                                                                             drunks and hipsters.” Not
                                                                                             that the two are mutually
                                                                                             exclusive, but proprietor
                                                                                             Amy Dee Richardson’s
                                                                                             honky-tonk is that special
                                                                                             kind of bar where you can
                                                                                             get a Frito Pie and a High
                                                                                             Life at noon, but also a
                                                                                             damn good old-fashioned
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