Page 41 - My FlipBook 1
P. 41

when the bartender bangs a   glass draws you in for one
        cymbal hanging from the   thing: a martini—large,
        ceiling. (“I’ve got a mallet for   strong, ice-cold gin or
        it,” he’ll tell you.) But watch   vodka? Lemon twist or
        how that bartender peels   olive? Dirty or extra dirty?
        fresh citrus, grabs you a   You won’t be judged for
        chilled glass, painstakingly   your preference. Stay
        eyeballs the ingredients in   for the piano bar in the
        your Ortolan. This is a bar   back, which on any given
        where people care—even if   night is packed with locals
        they act like they don’t. 229   singing loudly, joyfully
        South Forty-fifth Street —J. G.  in unison. 4 Valencia Street
                              —Omar Mamoon
        To get an idea of the ambi-  SEATTLE
        tion of the drinks at Friday   BOTTLEHOUSE
        Saturday Sunday, ask bar-  If you have ever day-
        tender Paul MacDonald to   dreamed about converting
        explain the cocktails he   your place of habitation into
        makes based on the Fibo-  a drinking establishment,
        nacci sequence. They are   consider Bottlehouse,
        mysteriously round yet   the incarnation of your
        angular. And delicious. But   wish. It’s an actual house in
        this place is far from pre-  the middle of the yoga-mom
        cious—it’s always friendly,   magnet that is Seattle’s
        and hopping. You’ll run   Madrona neighborhood. Sit
        into someone you know   by the window, or out on
        any second now. 261 South   the patio when the sun
        Twenty-first Street —K. S.  deigns to show up. The bev-
                              erage list goes beyond wine
        SAN FRANCISCO         and ventures knowingly
        MARTUNI’S             into ciders, vermouths,
        The dark, dim bar Martuni’s   sherries, and Pacific                                                       THE BEST BARS IN AMERICA, 2020
        is a San Francisco institu-  Northwest beers. You live
        tion where everyone is wel-  here now, so you have time
        come. The green neon   to try them all. 1416 Thirty-
        outline of a familiar cocktail   fourth Avenue —J. G.

                   NOLET’S GIN
                   A martini made with Nolet’s and its big, flowery
             5 BOTTLES WE FELL IN LOVE  WITH WHILE HOME BARTENDING  when you’re stuck inside. —K.S.    361667513
                   notes will remind you of an eternal spring, even
                   THRASHER’S COCONUT RUM
                   Todd Thrasher sent me this coconut rum the
                   week I would have been on an island vacation.
                   It was a very good substitute. —K.S.
                   JAMESON COLD BREW
                   Ten hours after waking up to a cup of black
                   coffee I wish I could season with whiskey, I get
                   to close my laptop and drink something richer,
                   sweeter, smoother, stronger: this, on ice, made
                   all the better because I held out. —Sarah Rense
                   We made banana boats in Girl Scouts—bananas
                   with all the fixings, wrapped in foil, then stuck
                   in the coals of a campfire to melt into
                   caramelized dessert goo. Sweet as sin, crème
                   de banane over ice hits the same. —S.R.
                   FIVE WIVES VODKA
                   The name makes it sound like a dad joke about
                   polygamists (it’s made in Utah—get it?), but it
                   tastes just like the air and water in its home
                   state: pure. Swilling directly from a frozen bottle
                                                   from top: Serious drink-making happens at Friday Saturday Sunday in
                   has never felt so virtuous. —J.G.   Philadelphia; Chicago’s Bamboo Room knows fancy daiquiris.
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