Page 11 - Chang-Gyeong Oh - Portfolio
P. 11


               Architectural Interpretation      1. Irregular Grid
               of Chaekgeori

               Chaekgeori  is  a  folding  screen-style
               still life painting depicting books and
               other  objects,  such  as  Munbangsau
               (brush, ink, paper, and inkstone), as a
               representation of the living space with
               books by scholars at the end of the   Grid is formed based on what is   Drawing Irregular grids by the space
               Joseon Dynasty. It is a representative   contained rather than a formal grid.  program, Making faces.
               painting that shows the sentiment of
               the  Korean  people  who  love  books,   2. Multiple Perspectives
               whether  they  are  commoners  or

               Chaekgeori has unique features that
               are different from Western paintings.
               It  is  characterized  by  a  grid  that
               varies  according  to  the  objects
               without a set standard, a perspective   There is not just one perspective in   Setting vanishing points in each
               that  freely  develops,  a  reverse   the picture but multiple perspectives.   faces
               perspective that looks at nature and
               humans  equally,  and  a  relationship   3. Reverse Perspective
               between  the  objects  facing  each
               other.  It  reinterprets  the  features  of
               Chaekgeori  with  Korean  culture  into
               space  to  form  the  space  of  a  new

                                                   A reverse perspective, with the   Using perspective and reverse
                                                  vanishing point facing the viewer.  perspective to create above and
                                                                                     underground spaces.
                                                 4. Relationship between the objects

               1.  The  unique  grid  of  the  Chaekgeori  is
               three-dimensionalized  depending  on  the
               perspectives,  harmonizing  with  nature.    2.     When the folding screen is   Formally and functionally
               Chaekgeori painted by Lee Taek-gyun, a 19th-  folded, the objects in the picture   correlated around the axis of
               century Joseon Dynasty royal painter.  correspond to each other.         the road.

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