Page 7 - Journey of Grace - Spring-Summer 2021 Curriculum
P. 7
How many times a week
must we be in church?
What do I have to do to be
a Christian?
6:05 p.m. - Exploring Paul's letter to the
6:15 p.m. Explore God's Word Ephesians (See: Ephesians
2: 1-10)
List the things you are
doing because you
"should," because you
think they are required of
you as a Christian. Cross
off those items you are
doing joylessly out of a
sense of compulsion.
Why are you still doing Pen and
those things left on your paper; use
6:15 p.m.- Responding list? Cross out any other blank page
6:35 p.m. Act items which you are doing journals from
because you "should" previous
rather than because you lesson
love God.
Now list only those
activities you want to do
because you love the Lord
and want to be more like
Christ. You may not
change your lists with this
instruction, but now the
items are listed because