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P. 131


                                               MA30210 Applied Mathematics

               Supplementary Subject                                                   Learning area of Mathematics
               Level M.4 Semester 2                                                           60 periods: 1.5 credits

                      The learning area of this course is aimed at introduces the students to experience through well-
               designed studies of practical mathematics. At this level, students should be able to find points, straight line,
               circle, parabolic, ellipse and hyperbolic, find the graph of function, find addition, subtraction, multiplication
               and division of functions, find complementary functions, find inverse function, find exponential function and
               find Logarithmic function and develop their thinking skills towards the 21st century.
                      The teaching procedures introduced in this course focus on apply diverse methods for problem-
               solving; avail of mathematical and technological knowledge, skills and processes for appropriately solving
               problems; suitably provide reasoning for decision-making and appropriately present the conclusions; use
               mathematical language and symbols for communication; present mathematical concepts accurately and
               clearly; link various bodies of mathematical knowledge, principles, and processes with other disciplines; and
               attain ability for creative thinking.

                      The course also enables students to instill the desirable characteristics, including honesty and
               integrity; self-discipline; avidity for learning; dedication and commitment to work; public-mindedness; and
               being healthy and well-balanced.

               Course Learning Outcomes

                   1.  Identify real numbers and use the properties of real numbers to solve problems.
                   2.  Understand the meaning of absolute value and be able to solve absolute value equations and
                   3.  Add, subtract and multiply polynomial expressions.
                   4.  Be able to use the factor and remainder theorem.
                   5.  Divide a polynomial (not exceeding degree 4), by a linear or quadratic polynomial, and identify the
                      quotient and remainder.
                   6.  Solve polynomial equations and inequalities.
                   7.  Find the distance, midpoint and gradient of a line segment joining two points.
                   8.  Interpret and use any of the forms of the equation of a straight line in solving problems.
                   9.  Solve problems using analytic geometry.
                   10. Understand how conic sections are obtained as curves of intersection of a double-cone with a
                   11. Interpret the standard form of the equations of circles, ellipses, parabolas and hyperbolas.
                   12. Understand the definition of exponential and logarithmic functions, including their relationship as
                      inverse functions and graphs.
                   13. Use logarithms to solve exponential equations and inequalities.

               Total: 13 learning outcomes

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