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P. 254


                                              SO31204  GLOBAL PERSPECTIVES

               Supplementary Subject                                                Learning Area of Social Studies
                Level M.4  Semester 2                                                         40 periods : 1 credit

                      The learning area of this course aimed at innovating and stimulating skills-based programme that
               can be used to explore current issues and develop vital skills. This will focus on the educational approach
               of using groups to enhance learning through working together, groups of two or more learners work together
               to solve problems, complete tasks, or learn new concepts. This approach actively engages learners to
               process and synthesize information and concepts, rather than using rote memorization of facts and figures.
               Learners work with each other on projects, where they must collaborate as a group to understand the
               concepts being presented to them. Through defending their positions, reframing ideas, listening to other
               viewpoints and articulating their points, learners will gain a more complete understanding as a group than
               they could as individuals. Each section is designed to provide opportunity to explore the perspective of
               poverty  and  inequality,  water,  food  and  agriculture,  tradition,  culture  and  identity,  disease  and
               health.  Moreover, student will develop their ability to think critically and creatively, to collaborate and
               work well with others, to present their ideas to others. Also, develop to open-mindedness and learn to
               consider issues from other perspective, express their own opinions on issues of global importance, gain an
               independent world-view and become global thinker, and raise awareness to take action on issues to develop
               their thinking skills towards 21  century.

                      The teaching procedure introduced in this course focus on decision making and developing skills
               rather than on subject knowledge and focus to have establish clear group goals, keep groups midsized,
               establish flexible group norms, build trust and promote open communication, create a pre-test and post-
               test, establish group interactions, use real-world problems, focus on enhancing problem-solving, technology
               in collaborative learning. Groups tend to learn through discussion, clarification of ideas, and evaluation of
               other’s ideas. Perhaps information that is discussed is retained in long-term memory. Research by Webb
               suggests that students who worked collaboratively on math computational problems earned significantly
               higher scores than those who worked alone. Plus, students who demonstrated lower levels of achievement
               improved when working in diverse groups. Retained in long-term memory

                      The course also enables students to instill the desirable characteristics, which are to successfully
               work toward a common goal with others. It include communicating clearly, actively listening to others, taking
               responsibility for mistakes, and respecting the diversity of their colleagues. Also, Keeping communication
               open and never withholding information necessary to carry out tasks, reaching a consensus about goals and
               methods for completing projects or tasks, offering recognition of the contributions of others on the team,
               giving credit where credit is due, identifying obstacles and addressing problems cooperatively as they occur,
               placing group goals above personal satisfaction and/or recognition, especially to the leader, and apologizing
               for missteps and forgiving others for mistakes; holding a grudge or sabotaging the efforts of other team
               members destroys collaboration. All of these things are hugely beneficial to being employable in the 21st
               century, and being healthy and well-balanced.

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