Page 6 - PowerPoint Presentation
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PHARMA DARPAN I Volume -1 I Issue -6 I June-2021

                                         NAVITAS 2021: The Annual Festival

                                                                                         The Second Annual Festival,
                                                                                NAVITAS 2021 of D Y Patil University
                                                                                School of Pharmacy was held from 13 th

                                                                                April 2021 to 16th April 2021. The formal
                                                                                Function and Prize distribution ceremony
                                                                                was held on 17 April 2021. All the students
                                                                                of DYPUSOP participated in more than 23
                                                                                Cultural and Sports events. Despite current
                                                                                circumstances,  NAVITAS    2021   was
                                                                                celebrated in the online mode with the same

                                                                                enthusiasm and Joy. Mr. Sameer Garaye,
                                                                                General Manager, FRD, Ricon Pharma &
                                                                                Dr.  Meena    Krishnakar  Chintamaneni,
                                                                                Professor and Registrar, SVKM’S NMIMS
                                                                                were the Chief Guest and Guest of Honor
                                                                                for the function respectively.
     The opening of the function was done with the invocation song sung by Ms. Surabhi Joshi. Then, Mr. Pravin Naik welcomed the Guest
     on behalf of the DYPUSOP family. Then, He shared the details of activities organized by the student council in the year 2020-2021.

     The next happening of the day involved the release of the second edition of our magazine, “Pragyan”. Ms. Tushara Sattur elaborated
     on various sections of the magazine. Then, Principal Dr. Rakesh Somani announced an annual progress report. Then the Guests
     delivered a valuable speech. In a speech, they encouraged the students for their laudable performances and guided them for the
     upcoming opportunities in the pharma sector. All the events of NAVITAS 2021 were then explained by Ms. Shruti Nigam and Winners
     of every event were announced. Special awards were announced by the Principal, Guest of Honour and Chief Guest. Ms. Chahat
     Bindal and Ms. Bhargavi Nimkar was declared as the Student of the year. Mr. Yash Kamble was awarded for the best performance in
     the student’s council. Second Year B. Pharm Won the Best Class 2020-21 award. After the prize distribution ceremony, there was a

     special live concert by Mr. Anand Upadhyay & Mr. Harsh Yadav. Mr. Khush Jain concluded the program with a vote of thanks. The
     event was coordinated by student’s council under the guidance of Mr. Pravin Naik, Assistant Professor, Pharmaceutical Chemistry.

                                                                 No. of Students
                  Date                   Name of Activity                                       Winners
                                                                                      Sejal Mehta                            FYBP
       1st April 2021 to 14th April 2021  WAIT….WHAT                  43              Shruti Nigam                          SYBP
                                                                                      Janvi Srinivasan                     FYBP
                                                                                     Nandita Yadav                        FYBP
       1st April 2021 to 14th April 2021    NAIL ART                  6              Fariah Rizwani          FYBP
                                                                                     Divya Kolkar            FYDP
                                                                                     Sheetal Bhanushali      SYDP
       1st April 2021 to 14th April 2021   MEHENDI                    13             Juili Padwal            SYBP
                                                                                     Dakhwe Mubasshira       FYDP
                                                                 23 TEAMS (3          Mandar and Group                 SYBP
              14th April 2021              SHOWBIZZ             participant in each   Shital and Group                    SYDP
                                                                     team)            Komal and Group                   SYBP

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