Page 9 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 9
PHARMA DARPAN I Volume -1 I Issue -6 I June-2021
It was really a tough competition. At the end Mr. Kunj Dave from BNCP, Mumbai was declared as the winner of this competition. At
the end vote of thanks was proposed by Ms. Juili Ravindra Padwal were she thanked our collaborator Rotaract Club of D Y Patil
University School of Pharmacy, our Principal Dr. Rakesh Somani for his overwhelming support, the judge for the event Mr. Aditya
Ghuge, the teacher co-coordinator Mr. Pravin Naik, the student co-coordinator Mr. Neelansh Bhartia, student’s council members
involved in this activity and all the participates who participated in this event. The activity was coordinated by Health Club under the
guidance of Mr. Pravin Naik, Student’s Council In-charge. Vivekanand Education Society’s College of Pharmacy’s and it’s
Institution's Innovation Council proudly took a step forward and presented its fourth technology showcase event Techshow 2021:
Innovation Contest on the 10th of April 2021. After the grand success of Techshow 2020 : e-Idealogue, conducted last summer,
VES College of Pharmacy continued its glorious tradition in 2021 of offering platforms to budding students and fellow academicians
to showcase their skill, innovation and talent. The participants got an opportunity to present their innovation in front of a panel of
experts from distinguished areas of Pharma industry and Academia. The thrust areas for the Techshow 2021 included Innovative
products and methods in Drug discovery, formulation development, devices, New Analytical Method or pharmaceutical processes
and many more. Strictly adhering to the rules of social distancing, the competition was this time brought to the comfort of the
participant’s home via Zoom video call. After evaluation, the best ideas were rewarded with cash prizes. Through this event the
participants attained a wonderful opportunity to showcase their Innovation. In another bit of achievement from VES College of
Pharmacy, this time from the faculty side, we are proud to share that Mr. Ojaskumar D. Agrawal, Assistant Professor at VES College
of Pharmacy, Mumbai has delivered an online expert talk on ‘Precipitation and Diazotization Titration’ at Sanjivani College of
Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Kopargaon Dist: Nagar, Affiliated to Savitribai Phule, Pune University on 01.05.2021. The
lecture was very well received by the students. Mr. Ojaskumar D. Agrawal, has published many articles in various national and
international journals and books of repute and has guided 15 M.Pharm students to carry out their research works. As a resource
person, he has delivered talks on advancement in analytical chemistry in various faculty development programs and has also
fetched several research grants from the University of Mumbai, India.
Saraswati Education Society's Yadavrao Tasgaonkar Institute of Pharmacy, Bhivpuri Road, Karjat, hosted an online guest lecture on
"Cyber Awareness and Security" on March 20, 2021. The entire planet is gradually healing from the COVID 19 pandemic, adjusting to
the new normal with a focus on online mode.
With the increased use of online tools and technology in
classroom, social media, and even day-to-day living,
students must be educated on cyber security. Thus it is
each individual's responsibility to be a responsible
netizen. With the objective to meet this growing
demand and to raise awareness among the faculty and
students, YTIP planned a talk by a Cyber Law specialist.
Dr. Dipti Lele, a cyber law expert from Kirti Training and
Consultancy (LLM in Cyber Law, PhD in HR, MBA),
helped our students and staff to understand them how e-
information can be hacked. In her lecture she
overviewed the common cyber security threats,
vulnerabilities, and hazards. She also informed about
the do's and don'ts of online communication and cyber
world. Dr. Lele mentioned various real-life examples
from the past two decades and illustrated various
network attacks and risks with possible ways to avoid
them and to protect ourselves. The talk ended with
fruitful information about Privacy and Security in Mobiles
and Cyber World and precautionary measures to safe
guard against cyber-crimes to become responsible