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PHARMA DARPAN I Volume -1 I Issue -6 I June-2021


       Konkan Gyanpeeth Rahul Dharkar
       College of Pharmacy and Research
       Institute Karjat organized online two
       weeks   AICTE   sponsored  Faculty
       Development Programme Phase-I on
       “Importance  on   innovations  and
       Research culture to inculcate start-up
       and entrepreneurship”. This was the
       Third online FDP organized by the
       college in this pandemic period and 33
       webinars in a single event. This
       Programme was designed to train and
       develop faculties in entrepreneurship
       development so that these can act as
       resource persons in guiding and
       motivating young minds to take up
       entrepreneurship as a career which is
       need for an hour.
       KGRDCP and RI received an overwhelming response from faculties not only from India but also from abroad with more than 1000
       registrations for this e-FDP. Dr Mohan Kale, Principal of KGRDCP & RI, welcomed all the guests, faculty delegates for this FDP and

       briefed them about the objectives, expected outcomes of the programme and thanked AICTE. This FDP was inaugurated by
       honorable Mr. JAGANNATH SHINDE, Chairman and Managing Director of AIOCD LTD., Chairman MSCDA Ltd. Mumbai. He also
       inaugurated “covid-19 special bulletin” and “ACS Academy, Nagpur” and greeted everyone on the occasion of the inaugural session,
       Mr. VIJAY PATIL, President of Maharashtra state council, Mumbai inaugurated “E-bulletin” and also talked to faculties about raising
       the standards of education in this pandemic period. Dr. MD Sallahuddin, Professor and Principal of Farooqia College of Pharmacy,
       Mysore delivered a keynote address. Dr. Mohan Kale and Dr. Bharat Tekade, Professor, KGRDCP and RI Karjat, who deliver a talk.

       On the second day Mr. Nitin Kale, a National skill development expert expressed his views along with Dr. Vaishali Jadhav, HOD,
       Assistant Professor Ms.Disha Bilave Lecturer at KGRDCP delivered their talk. On the third day Mr. Ayaz Sufi, Brand Consultant,
       Roomi Consultancy Ms. Jyoti Shankarrao Lahane and Mr. Amol Borade Assistant Professor, KGRDCP delivered a talk. On the
       fourth day Mr. Vijay Bhambulkar, Ex-Director, Johnson and Johnson Mrs. Poonam Patil and Mr. Hemant Dhakne, Assistant
       Professor, KGRDCP & RI Karjat, delivered their talk. On fifth day, Dr. M. K. Kale, Principal, Mr. Pritam Juvatkar HOD, Academic-in-
       charge and Mrs. Nilofer Khan, Assistnat professor at KGRDCP and RI delivar their talk. On sixth day Rahul Somani , Sr. Manager
       Alkem Labs shared his views. On the seventh day, Binil Balakrishnan , Sanopy , Mr. Amol Chandekar Associate Professor and

       Vrushali Neve, Assistant Professor, KGRDCP delivered their talk. On eighth day, Mr. Deepesh Khandelwal ,National Trainer shared
       his views along with Mr. Sandeep Waghulde HOD Assistant Professor, KGRDC. Mr Ravi Vishwanathan Associate Vice president at
       Mylan Laboratories shared his views on topic “Validation”. On ninth day, Mr. Pramod Pimplikar, Management Consultant, along with
       Mrs. Rupali Yevale and Mr. Shweta Gaikwad assistant professor, KGRDCP and RI delivar their talk. On tenth day, Mr. Maharaj
       Raina Global Expert along with Mr. Chetan Halani, Consultant CT Quest LLP who delivered his talk. Mr. Nilesh Gorde and Ms.
       Ruchita Surve Assistant Professor KGRDCP also shared their views. On eleventh day in the valedictory function, Mr. Ranjeet

       Barshikar, CEO- QbD international, UNESCO expressed his thoughts. Mr. Barshikar delivered his talk along with Mrs. Neha
       Raghuwanshi and Mr. Aniket Indulkar Assistant Professor KGRDC. The two week FDP was concluded by vote of thanks delivered
       by Dr. Vaishali Jadhav For this technical support provided by Mr. Ajay Kharche (Assistant Professor) and Mr. Amol Borade,
       (Assistant Professor), Coordinator Dr. Bharat Tekade (Professor), Management and Principal Dr. Mohan Kale for their continuous
       support and guidance throughout the program.
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