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PHARMA DARPAN I Volume -1 I Issue -6 I June-2021
About the Institute:
Yashwantrao Bhonsale College Of Pharmacy,
Charathe, Sawantwadi established by a visionary
and dynamic leader Shri Achyut Sawantbhonsale
at Bhonsale Knowledge City, Charathe,
Sawantwadi in 2015. Spread across 16 acres,
Bhonsale Knowledge City campus is situated
amidst idyllic hills and lush green ambience to
increase the harmony between study and nature.
USP of the institute: Academic Policies:
• To cater the need of technical and professional education • At the beginning of course Orientation program is organized
in Konkan region especially in Sindhudurg district, YBCP for Newly admitted students of First year in which they are
commenced with a state of art ultra-modern infrastructure introduced Course structure, exam pattern, course outcome
offering B. Pharmacy, M. Pharmacy and D. Pharmacy and learning outcome along with different institutional
course. YBCP is having all types of facilities like Lecture policies, rules and regulation.
Halls, Seminar Halls, Laboratories, Libraries, hostel, mess, • The academic of college conducted smoothly with help of
canteen, sports ground, ATM and transportation. In a very academic calendar and time table prepared at beginning of
short span YBCP has gained a very high reputation and academic year.
public faith for its honest and transparent management. It • Subject teachers follow teaching plan for academic delivery
has earned people's trust that every initiative taken by the and special focus placed based on learning ability of
society will be against the benefit of people and future students.
generation only. • Special guidance is given to the slow and advancer learner
Good Governance: through guardian teachers and activities.
• The college has its vision and mission in tune with the • Students are guided for the different competitive examination
vision and mission of the Shri. Yashwantrao Bhonsale through different expert sessions
Education Society, Sawantwadi. • Academic excellence in college is achieved through
• The college is headed by the Principal Dr. V. A. Jagtap arrangement of industry exert lectures, industrial trainings,
who communicates with all stakeholders to achieve industrial visits, hospital visit, lab visit, project work etc.
institute vision and mission
• The college is administrated by various committees like Administrative Policies:
Governing Body, IQAC, Academic in-charge (UG/PG), • Institute have well defined organizational structure governed
Training and Placement Cell. by governing council and college development committee
• All stake holders help in decision making and policy • The governing council works with relevant statutory bodies
framing in a transparent manner for effective functioning of and defines and implements administrative and academic
the college. All the departments enjoy the functional policies for overall development of stakeholders.
autonomy. Faculty meetings are conducted periodically and • Role and responsibilities are well defined for GC, CDC, IQAC
addressed by Principal in coordination with academic and various academic and administrative committees.
• Regular meetings of IQAC and heads of departments offer
a platform to present and discuss the perspective plans of
the college and helps in effective implementation of