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P. 42
Sireesha Davuluri
Lead Engineer, Product Development
Yale Smart Residential
Creating a Better Tomorrow
It’s no secret that revolutionary ideas are unique feasible solution. Strategically,
born from great engineers, and an all-star architecturally, technically, and
engineering team is necessary for any programmatically resolving a problem is
company looking to adapt to the future the key to product success. This is the right
and be leaders in their field. As a Lead approach (according to me) rather than
Engineer at Yale Smart Residential, Sireesha patching it with quick fixes for the sake of
Davuluri spends her days imagining better project momentum.”
tomorrows. This natural drive to problem-solve has
“In my current position as a Lead Engineer birthed some great projects throughout
in Product Development, my primary Sireesha’s career, with a new product
focus is to system engineer new product platform being the one she’s most excited
developments and provide technical about currently.
direction or solutions in line with product “Our current Gen2 product is currently being
and technical requirements.” She explains. developed on a new platform (Nordic),
It’s undoubtedly a tough job – whiteboarding, which is architecturally complex and often
testing, debugging, working with cross- involves multiple teams collaborating for
functional teams, and even more challenges technical and system requirements.”
greeting her each day. So, what motivates Outside of work, Sireesha’s life revolves
Sireesha to keep moving forward? She cites around her family and her faith. She is very
an internal drive to solve problems – and involved in her local church, often spending
solve them in a way that sticks - as the gas time on church activities and volunteer
in her tank. work. She enjoys spending time with friends,
“For every problem, be it common her husband, and her young daughter.
or uncommon, I believe there is a
42 pEoplE makINg a difference