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P. 43

Wayne Macke


        Digital Content Specialist
        Access and Egress Hardware Group

        Building the Future of our Business

        In an increasingly virtual world where         But, the opportunity to do work that
        first impressions matter and branding          positively impacts so many is something
        is everything, difference-makers in your       that keeps Wayne going.
        digital content team can be the difference    “I really enjoy working with so many different
        between an average business and a thriving     operational areas, individuals, customers,
        one. For the Access and Egress Hardware        and business applications. I feel that I am
        Group in New Haven, CT, Wayne Macke,           learning something new each week. I have
        Digital Content Specialist is one of those     so many opportunities to make a difference,
        difference-makers.                             and to help my co-workers and customers.”

        As a manager for the company’s Digital        So, how does Wayne keep himself on track
        Asset Management (DAM) and Product             to go above and beyond every day? He
        Information Management (PIM) applications,     credits checking in with himself regularly
        Wayne is responsible for branding              and analyzing his work through its impacts.
        implementations for the company within         He starts each week asking himself 2
        those applications. “Most of my workday is     questions: “What did I accomplish last
        spent assisting sales and marketing teams      week to help my co-workers, company
        with maintaining various aspects of product    or customers?” and “What will I hope to
        information and applications housing           accomplish this week to help my co-workers,
        product information and assets. I work to      company or customers?”
        standardize and confirm data is accurate
        and up to date. Throughout my workday, I       Wayne is as inspired and self-starting in
        usually answer questions regarding how to      his hobbies as he is at work. Outside
        best organize, manage and store product        the office, you can find him skiing,
        information in both PIM and DAM.”              snowboarding, mountain biking, hiking,
                                                       kayaking, off-roading, or wood-working,
        This multi-layered work could prove            just to name a few.
        overwhelming for the wrong kind of person.

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