Page 12 - 5181.L Winners Booklet - Print - English FNL Digital_Neat
P. 12

Bernie Hamlin

                                           MAKES A DIFFERENCE

                                           Environmental Supervisor
                                           Corbin Russwin

        Creating a Sustainable Future

        In a day and age where the size of a           While Bernie holds down his day-to-day
        company’s environmental footprint is more      responsibilities, he is also looking towards
        important than ever, difference makers in      future innovations in his field, one of
        that sector are at a premium. As mandates      the hallmarks of a true difference maker.
        change and we move toward a greener            When asked if he could create a product,
        future, it’s great leaders like Bernie Hamlin,   solution, service, or system for his work, he
        Environmental Supervisor at Corbin Russwin     responded “I would like to work towards
        in Berlin, CT, that are becoming even more     zero liquid discharge from wastewater
        invaluable to their companies.                 via reverse osmosis. It would be a great

        Bernie is instrumental in making sure          new way of working. It would reduce
        Corbin Russwin maintains environmental        ASSA ABLOY’s carbon footprint, as well as
        compliance in their facilities across the      reducing cost.”
        board. He leads facility inspections,          While staying undeniably well-rounded in
        monitors the operation of wastewater           his work, Bernie stays equally well-rounded
        treatment, and oversees preventative           in his leisure time, citing many different
        maintenance.                                   types of activities that help him feel

        “There is always something to learn, create,   complete. You can find him watching and
        improve, or investigate,” Bernie says          playing sports, traveling around his region
        about his job. “On any given day I could be    and the world, or just enjoying time with his
        troubleshooting an issue in wastewater,        friends and family.
        and then the next day collecting data to      “When I do these things, I feel relaxed and I
        improve or understand a process. Although      find enjoyment.”
        unpredictable, I would not have my job
        any other way. It gives me mental exercise,
        builds trust, reliability, and an understanding
        of preparedness.”

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