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Daniel Van Dusen


        Senior Mechanical Engineer
        ASSA ABLOY Electromechanical Solutions

        Creating and Innovating the Future

        In a lot of ways, the products a company      “New product development is the life blood
        produces are a testament to the company        of our company… I love that ASSA ABLOY
        itself. They encompass the skills and          places such an importance on innovation.
        personality of everyone behind it. For Dan    The development team is constantly setting
        Van Dusen, Senior Mechanical Engineer at       aside time for innovating.”
        ASSA ABLOY Electromechanical Solutions,        Dan also recognizes the importance
        in Phoenix, AZ, this is true on another level.   of engagement for his and his team’s
        In his day-to-day as a mechanical              productivity and contentment. That’s why
        engineer, Dan is instrumental in designing,    he’s been a part of the Employee Activities
        prototyping, testing, and providing support    Committee for the past four years, coming
        for ASSA ABLOY’s products. His days are as     up with new, exciting, and fun ways to
        dynamic as his products. As he describes       promote employee engagement.
        it: “A little bit of design work in front of the   In his leisure time, you can find Dan roaming
        computer, mixed with a little bit of test      and hiking throughout his beautiful home
        and evaluation back in the lab, combined       state or Arizona with his wife Renaya, his
        with a whole lot of running back and forth     two sons Reid and Quinn, and their two-
        in between.”                                   year-old labradoodle Kahuna, in the garage
        But while putting the work in to create        working on his ’68 Camaro, or working to
        solid, efficient products is important, Dan    aid homelessness in his community through
        recognizes that innovation is at the core of   a local emergency lodging program.
        what he does as an engineer. Thankfully, his
        company feels the same way, and is always
        encouraging him and his team to be the
        best creators they can be.

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