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Emylee Cavallaro

                                           MAKES A DIFFERENCE

                                           Wholesale Marketing Manager
                                           ASSA ABLOY Door Security Solutions

        Practicing Discipline Every Day

        As a third-degree black belt in karate,       “I am very fortunate to be a part of a team
        Emylee Cavallaro knows what it means to be     where so many people go above and beyond
        disciplined, focused, and ready for anything   to help each other and our customers. Our
        that comes her way. But, even with her         team has a solutions-oriented, ‘get-things-
        talents in the dojo being clear, there may     done’ mindset and I am proud of our team’s
        not be a place those skills shine brighter     growing list of accomplishments, especially
        than in her role as Wholesale Marketing        as we embark on our digital journey.”
        Manager at ASSA ABLOY in New Haven.            Emylee’s skills and passions have not gone
        “As an employee, colleague, and ASSA ABLOY     unnoticed to the people around her –
        representative, I always put forth my best     specifically, to Kris Bylan, Senior Director,
        effort and take pride in everything I do.      Marketing Communications, ASSA ABLOY
        I try to approach every situation with a       Door Security Solutions.
        solution and a positive attitude. I enjoy     “Emylee is an exemplary team player,
        being a resource and helping others            always willing to help any of her direct or
        (internally and externally) however I can.”    extended team. In her current role, she

        Excelling in an individual skill like karate,   collaborates with marketing teams across
        some people may neglect their skills as        the organization to provide our customers
        a teammate. This hasn’t been the case          with the support they need. I feel that she
        for Emylee, who is always quick to forge       inspires everyone with her behavior – she
        great relationships with her teammates         is open to others’ viewpoints and treats
        and collaborate to bring the best out of       co-workers with respect and kindness.”
        each other.

   20     pEoplE makINg a difference
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