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P. 18
Diane Roark
Customer Service
Adapting Through Challenges
In a fast-paced order fulfillment setting, question. Most of the changes are driven by
proper quality control and logistics customer issues, and we strive to deliver the
management can make all the difference. best service we can.”
For Lorient North America in Lexington, KY, This excellence has not come easily, however.
Diane Roark is that difference. This year, Diane and her team faced one
From the time an order is entered to the of their biggest challenges ever: the
time it’s fulfilled, Diane is making sure implementation of an entirely new software
every aspect of the process runs smoothly system that meant a complete revamping
– from procuring raw materials at Lorient’s of her day-to-day work and how she got her
factory, to interacting with customers, to job done. But, as she’s done so many times
making sure everything that gets into the in her career, Diane stepped up.
customer’s hands is up to spec. “She was determined to see it through. For
“Diane has always been a star employee,” at least six months, she helped prepare for
Kristy Jones, General Manager, Architectural the transition along with still maintaining
Accessories Group, said about Diane. “Diane our old operating system. She had to re-
has been key in the growth and success learn how to do her entire job! She never
of Lorient. Diane demonstrates many key complained, just kept the same positive
strategies on a daily basis.” attitude that has been one of her strengths
So, what’s Diane’s secret to her throughout her time with Lorient.”
difference-making? She says that she Outside of work, Diane can be found
and her department thrive through their drinking in the wonders of her beautiful
adaptability. “[We’re] always changing, and home state, hitting the open road with her
we adapt to changes quickly and without husband Russell and daughter Kaitlyn.
18 pEoplE makINg a difference