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P. 19
Djordje Vrankovic
Lead IT Business Analyst
Motivating Teams with Positivity
In an ever-changing technology-driven the floor, a reporting issue the next, and
professional world, you’re nothing without brainstorming how to maximize efficiency
a solid IT department to keep things in a process the following day… I always
humming. As a Lead IT Business Analyst get to experience new challenges.”
at SARGENT in New Haven, CT, it’s Djordje Djordje’s positivity and effectiveness has
Vrankovic’s job to make a difference in proven infectious, and continually rubs
implementing and maintaining these off on his bosses and colleagues. This was
technological advancements. especially true for Chris Mosby, General
“I support [SARGENT] in any issues, Manager at SARGENT.
enhancements, process changes, or system “Djordje is not just easy to work with, our
changes that are needed. This includes the team always has a great experience working
manufacturing shop floor and any users with him. Djordje consistently responds
supporting them from order entry to with a sincere and helpful attitude. He
invoicing and with everything in between.” listens carefully and demonstrates respect
Djordje said about his job. for the work or problems others have.
In the world of IT, the only constant is He takes people’s problems seriously,
change, and the problems any given day no matter how big or small. He does
will bring are anybody’s guess. Djordje whatever is asked and with a good attitude.
attributes his success to his adaptability He rarely complains, if at all, even under
and his affinity for fresh challenges. very difficult circumstances.”
“In the IT world, there is no typical workday. Djordje is an avid athlete and sports fan, and
It’s what makes this role really exciting to outside of work, you can find him playing
be in, and always gives you some kind of tennis or volleyball, or cheering on his home
challenge. One day you might be working country of Serbia on the soccer pitch.
on an issue with an order processing on
pEoplE makINg a difference 19