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P. 23
Jaime Alejandro
Perez Olvera
Customer Service Representative
ASSA ABLOY Guadalajara
Going the Extra Mile
Being a customer service representative service position is not the typical one,
means different things to different people. because here demands if me not just to
For some, it’s just about getting people in be in front of the computer, but to be in
and out as quickly as possible and pointing contact with other areas that help make
to aisles. Others choose to go that extra goals happen.”
mile and treat each customer like family, He credits his persistence as one of the keys
creating a warm and supportive atmosphere to his success. “My persistence [is what has]
for everyone. But for Jaime Alejandro helped me achieve the company´s goals.”
Perez Olvera of ASSA ABLOY Occidente How? Taking initiative in how to improve the
in Guadalajara, that extra mile is only the processes for obtaining materials between
beginning. different areas, achieving the customer’s
“I describe [each day at my job] as a new satisfaction.
day of learning where I need to organize At the end of the workday, Jaime likes to
priorities and look at different ways to continue his self-improvement journey
achieve my goals, such as making check by reading self-help books, crediting their
lists, responding to emails for my customers ability to “help us not just improve our
internally, taking some calls, proving and knowledge, but humanize ourselves more.”
resolving requests, and doing reports for
customers and my boss.” Aside from putting effort toward his
self-betterment, Jaime’s philosophy on
As you can see, Jaime’s work has impacts what enables him to make such a difference
that reach far beyond the typical is simple: do what you love to do.
expectations of customer service
representatives, something that is not lost “Customer service: it is my passion.”
on Jaime in his day-to-day. “My customer
pEoplE makINg a difference 23