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P. 34
Matthew Hiltachk
Project Manager
Luxer One
Being Someone to Count On
“Matt has always been dependable and While keeping his eyes primarily on the
reliable. He’s hardworking, comes in with a needs of the moment, Matt is eyeing the
great attitude, asks for more, and has a great needs of tomorrow as well. In the future,
thirst for knowledge.” he hopes to uphold his company’s
As a Project Manager for Luxer One in innovative spirit by helping develop new,
Sacramento, CA, Matt Hiltachk’s people-first easier methods for product installs.
attitude has established him as a difference- What’s Matt’s secret to his balance and
maker in the eyes of his colleagues. outstanding performance? He credits
From the moment Matt gets to work in adding a healthy dose of perspective to
the morning, he’s focused on making sure his days.
customer needs are met and his company’s “I show up and am always solutions-oriented.
products are being installed correctly and I take bad days for what they are – a bad day,
efficiently. “Typical workdays are like a slide. and not a bad career. I constantly strive to
Busiest time of the day is at the start of the stay positive and communicate.”
day. Installs are done at 9am, starting with Matt’s interests outside of work are just as
the East Coast. Calls happen a lot in the bright and vibrant as his interests at the
middle of the day, while installs are already office. You can find him playing kickball,
in progress. The primary goal is giving our attending concerts and festivals, playing
customers what they want, and doing it as music, shooting hoops, or soaking up
fast as possible.” his foodie interests at local restaurants
throughout California.
34 pEoplE makINg a difference