Page 30 - 5181.L Winners Booklet - Print - English FNL Digital_Neat
P. 30

Kendall White

                                           MAKES A DIFFERENCE

                                           Line Leadperson
                                           Ceco Door

        Leading Right

        Good leadership is a pivotal part of any      “My department is always willing to help one
        successful business. This becomes especially   another out. If they see someone struggling
        true when it comes to technical and clerical   with something, they don’t mind lending
        work, where there is often little room for     a hand. The people in my department
        error to keep everything on schedule and       make my job a lot easier because they are
        up to code. Kendall White, Line Leadperson     independent and can count on each other
        at Ceco Door in Milan, TN, prides himself on   to help them with anything.”
        providing that leadership.                     Pride in his work and results is another thing
        When it comes to what makes him an             that has propelled Kendall to his role as a
        effective leader and difference maker,         difference maker. A lot of his motivation and
        Kendall is quick to point to his outstanding   joy at work comes from seeing the finished
        work ethic and passion for helping his team    products his line produces, and seeing
        function at its highest possible level.        the same contentment and pride in his
        “I come in before anybody else on my line      coworkers’ faces.
        gets to work and make sure we are ready        Outside of work, you can find Kendall either
        to start the day. I am always willing to       keeping his competitive and success-driven
        help anybody who has a problem without         spirit alive by watching his Tennessee Titans
        hesitation. I always treat everybody with      or LSU Tigers on the gridiron, or finding his
        respect.”                                      zen out fishing.
        However, this isn’t a one-way street. Kendall
        is a firm believer that everyone must feel
        supported in order to succeed, and that’s
        something he feels his team does well.

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