Page 2 - TheVibe-June2021
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              NEWSLETTER             Amanda Vaccarelli gave birth on March  Amanda Vaccarelli a donné naissance à
                JOURNAL              28th at 4:41am of a wonderful 9.4        un joli garçon de 9,4 livres le 28 mars à
            JUIN  2021  JUNE
                                     pounds baby boy named Matteo, they       4h41. Voici Matteo !!!! La famille se

                                     are all doing well!!                     porte très bien!!
        Annonce-Announcements .......2
        Laura-podcast ..........................3
        Coin Gourmand .......................7
        Jenergie ....................................8
        Movie Review Film ..................9
        Entertainment .........................10
        Game Night ..............................11
        Book Review ............................12
        Pets of the Month ....................13
        Travel - Voyages .......................14
        Bragging Corner.......................17
        Santé - Health ……………………..18
        Fêtes - Birthdays ......................19
        Party Zone...………………………..20
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