Page 7 - TheVibe-June2021
P. 7

Rita’s go-to pancakes – side notes be-  The Spicoli from Bucky Rooster’s https://
            cause I always add more ;) I will add ¼ : Delicious fried chicken and
             cup of chia seeds to batter for extra
                                                  I don’t know what they put in their slaw but I’ll have a
            protein and sometimes ¼ cup of coco-
                                                  bucket. Thank you!
            nut flakes for extra flavor. I will prepare
           a batter and refrigerate and simply cook
                 a few when I want them J.
                                                  The Classico from Mano Cornuto https://
           Banana oatmeal pancakes       This is a creation from Heaven and
                                                  shared with us small little humans. First, focaccia bread. Need
           •   2 Med-Large sized ripe bananas     I even say more. Just go eat it and I don’t want to hear your

           •   2 eggs                             complaints about parking. I’m not sorry.
           •   2 quick oats packets

           •   1/4 cup of all-purpose flour       The Burger but really the Mac N’ Cheese
                                                  from Burgundy Lion https://
           •   Salt                      : That Mac N’

           •   Vanilla                            Cheese is BOMB. Have it sober, have it
                                                  not sober, you’ll have it again!
           •   1 TBSP Vegetable oil or butter

           •   2.5 TSP baking powder

           •   0.5 TSP of ground clove or cinna-
                                                  The McArther from Arthurs Noshbar
           mon or cardamom
                                                  accueil/ and AS SOON AS Lobster is back, you MUST have their
           Cottage cheese pancakes                Lobby Roll. You also need to get their pancakes. I insist!
           •   3 eggs

           •   1 cup cottage cheese (2%)          The Banh Mi from Tran Cantine :
                                                  Bread, perfect. Flavor, explosive, crunch from quick pickled
           •   2 TBSP of honey or maple syrup     cucumber, refreshing! It’s a solid Banh Mi!

           •   0.5 cup of all-purpose flour

           •   1 TSP baking powder
                                                  The Atwater Market is also a great spot for snacks. During
                                                  summertime there are a few food vendors such as Satay
          Enjoy my little foodie ;)               Brothers (best green papaya salad and pork belly buns), Lu-
                                                  cille’s for the lobster roll, Aylwin BBQ for their brisket!!! But
          With love (for your rolls) yours truly,    my go-to on-the-go is the is the Trattoria Pizza Mia! Don’t
                                                  judge me, or do, I don’t care. My favorite one is the with pota-
                                                  to, onion, and cheese as topping!
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