Page 7 - EdViewptsSpring2021
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Connections As a result, negative student behavior The FOCUS program
decreases, access to needed services
Humans are social creatures and and resources increases, and student helps freshmen navi-
need to connect with others. High engagement and overall achievement
school can be a big and scary place results improve. gate high school and
for students who are still unsure teenage life through
of themselves. One crucial way to Depending on the situation,
make a big place small is by getting students requiring assistance start the trained direction
involved. This can be achieved by with their teacher and, if needed, of upperclassmen. This
joining a sport, playing an instrument, increase in interventions with a program is essentially a
participating in a school play, or guidance counselor, grade advisor,
signing up for a club. administrator, crisis counselor, or bridge for freshmen to
intensive therapeutic counselor.
Aside from connecting with peers, Support intensifies from a universal help them successfully
students also need to form relation- approach to a targeted one and, if transition from middle
ships with adults in the building. This needed, an intensive program.
can be a faculty member, coach, advi- school to high school.
sor, aide, custodian, or administrator. • Freshmen FOCUS: The Friendly
These relationships are paramount Outreach for a Community of added layer of support helps bring
to helping students navigate the trials Understanding and Success many out-of-district students back
and difficulties of teenage life. program allows student peer to the school, prevents others
counselors to explore various
One way for students to forge a strong topics such as study skills, from leaving in the first place,
and provides crucial support to
bond with adults is through a unique societal pressures, harassment, students in need.
school model of a Grade Advisor and consent with all freshmen
(GA). As opposed to the traditional during a free period once per Freedom
assistant principal framework, the GA schedule rotation. The FOCUS
is a teacher who is assigned all the program helps freshmen navigate Choice is an important part of a child’s
responsibilities for a grade of students high school and teenage life life. Having freedom empowers a
and follows them from freshmen year through the trained direction of student to make positive and negative
through graduation. The GA teaches upperclassmen. This program is choices, both of which enable a
one class and the rest of the day is essentially a bridge for freshmen student to grow and learn. Too often,
devoted to discipline, attendance to help them successfully schools limit students’ freedoms and
issues, counseling students, planning transition from middle school to therefore opportunities to fail forward
for class activities such as a charity high school. and mature. Policies and procedures
drive or prom, and whatever is special • Crisis Intervention Counselor: do need to be in place to protect
to the grade for that year. Slightly different from the Student students from harming themselves
or others but also provide positive
The GA may or may not hold an Assistance Coordinator (SAC), opportunities for them to experience
administrative license, but if not, then students have the option to seek independence and growth.
the Assistant Principal or Principal support from the school’s licensed
must be the official administrator to clinical social worker. This faculty • Open Campus: The ability to
actually dole out suspensions. In this member handles a caseload budget and use one's time in a
model, students look to the GA in a of students that have identified meaningful way is a skill students
similar fashion as a parent. The GA needs requiring more counseling must learn. To help develop that
helps and supports students through and therapy than what a guidance skill, students have the privilege
all situations but will also reprimand counselor can offer. Students of Open Campus. Students may
and discipline them depending on meet with this counselor as part leave school grounds or use
what the situation warrants. of a disciplinary consequence, any of the open areas of the
upon referral from a teacher or campus during lunch or a free
Worthiness friend who notices troubling signs, period. This privilege carries
A multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) or as a drop-in center for students with it the responsibility of being
prompt to all classes and meeting
is a continuum of care that integrates who need to talk confidentially. obligations.
the school and family to focus on Sessions can range from one and • No Study Halls: Students have
maximizing student wellness and done to multi-year situations. one free period built into their
support. The MTSS framework looks • Intensive Therapeutic Services: schedule out of the eight-period
for academic and behavioral barriers For the top 25 students in most rotation. Periods rotate in the
that may impact a student’s learning, need of therapeutic services, an morning and afternoon on a
and implements, monitors, and adjusts outside counselor is contracted four-day schedule. On their free
interventions as needed. It is essentially to work with a student through period, students are not assigned
a collaborative model for the decision- individual, group, and family to a study hall and are free to
making of a student’s overall health. counseling at the school. This
Educational Viewpoints -5- Spring 2021