Page 10 - PDCalSummer2020_Neat
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Engaging and Motivating Students          September Ready: Reopening        Self-Care for Leaders in a Time of
   in a Virtual Learning Space (Grades K-5)  and the Law: Essential Questions and   Crisis (PSEL Standards 6 and 7)
   (PSEL Standards 3, 4, 5 and 10)         Answers                                  Aug. 26, 2020; 9 am - Noon
   Aug. 24, 2020; 9 am - Noon              Aug. 25, 2020; 9 am to Noon              Presenter: Robin Harden Daniels, Ed.D. FEA
   Presenter: Jackie Frangis, FEA Consultant  Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members      Presenter, Lead Consultant, InFlight LLC A
                                                                                    STEM Education Company
   Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members        Presenters: Michael Kaelber, Esq., LEGAL   Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members
   Knowing how to engage students within a virtual   ONE Coordinator of Online Course   Every day, educational leaders focus on providing
   learning environment while holding them account-  Development; David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE   support and care for students and colleagues, often
   able for learning can be a challenge. In this session,   Director                with little concern for themselves. Now, more than
   discover interactive strategies and engaging activities   With school reopening and a “new normal” just   ever, is the time for these leaders to learn about
   designed to motivate students in exploring, thinking   around the corner, this interactive program will
   deeply, making choices, and demonstrating their learn-  include a review of key questions relating to   the importance and value of practicing self care.
                                                                                    This session centers around practical strategies and
   ing. Whether teaching students on-line or on land,   reopening and provide opportunities for small
   this workshop will help you to prepare and plan for a   group discussion of emerging issues and real-world   the process of behavioral change that is essential
                                                                                    to making healthy choices. Join this workshop to
   fantastic start to the school year. With a focus on liter-  scenarios. Topics to be covered will include necessary
   acy, this session is designed for elementary teachers,   protocols related to ensuring student, staff, and   develop an understanding of your personality type
                                                                                    and strengths that can drive healthy decision-
   literacy coaches, ELA supervisors, reading specialists,   parent health and safety, how to effectively enforce
   reading interventionists, curriculum coordinators, pa-  new protocols, how to address medically fragile   making. Learn to identify the common stressors
                                                                                    and emotional and physical triggers in your life.
   ra-professionals, special education teachers, gifted and   students and staff, how to handle any new positive
   talented teachers, and enrichment teachers.  COVID-19 cases that may emerge among students,   Once mindful of these triggers, participants are then
                                                                                    empowered to utilize the strategies that the webinar
        Exploring Instructional Choices    staff or parents, and how to ensure that your plans   provides to institute self-care initiatives.
                                           incorporate essential legal principles of equity and
   for Virtual and Blended Learning        respond to disparities that may have emerged due to
   Experiences (PSEL Standards 4 and 10)     our digital divide.
   Aug. 25, 2020; 9 am - Noon
   Presenter: Dale Schmid, Ed.D., Visual and    Addressing HIB in Turbulent Times:
   Performing Arts Coordinator, New Jersey   What Every ABS Needs to Know
   Department of Education; SEADAE President  Aug. 26, 2020; 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm (Live or
   Fee: $60                                Archived)
   Co-Sponsored Arts Education Series -    Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
   NJPSA/FEA and Arts Ed NJ                Director; Rebecca Gold, Retired Director of
   This workshop will provide participants with examples   Human Resources
   of effective instructional choices that can provide   Fee: $40
   engaging learning experiences in virtual or blended   Every Anti-Bullying Specialist needs to be ready to
   learning environments. Learn how practitioners are   “hit the ground running” on Day One of the new
   combining synchronous and asynchronous learning   school year. This webinar will provide updates on
   experience to provide sequential arts education that   the latest developments related to New Jersey’s
   engages students. Explore the mindset, tools, and   Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights, including a review of how
   platforms that help facilitate impactful arts education.  recent events related to COVID-19 and racial injustice
                                           have resulted in new forms of HIB. Participants will
                                           learn about the most recent case law, and receive tips
                                           for conducting virtual investigations when necessary.
                                           NOTE that this webinar will also be part of the ABS
                                           Certificate Program.
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