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Examining and Implementing the            •  Online learning programs            Supporting Math Instruction in
   Feedback Process (PSEL Standards 7        •  Online learning solutions           a Hybrid Learning Environment:
                                             •  Assessment and Progress monitoring tools
   and 10)                                   •  Financial tools to protect your future  Free Instructional Resources from
   Jul. 29, 2020; 9 am - Noon                •  And many more!                      Bedtime Math
   Presenters: Kim Tucker, Past President,   Learn about all of these time sensitive products and   Aug. 5, 2020; 1 pm - 2 pm
   Learning Forward NJ and Bob Price,      services directly from the people who know best what   Audience: Principals, Assistant Principals, Math
   President, Learning Forward NJ          you need now.                            Supervisors, Coaches, Teacher Leaders
   Fee: $60 Members/ $75 Non-Members                                                Want your teachers to be ready for anything this fall?
   Co-Sponsored by NJPSA/FEA and Learning                                           Let’s ensure their students can learn wherever they
   Forward NJ                                                                       are. Bedtime Math, a New Jersey-based non-profit
   Educational leaders engage in constructive   August                              organization, has adapted its engaging, hands-on
   conversations throughout each day in the school                                  math activities to work both in the classroom and
                                                                                    remotely. Aligned to the NJSLS and grounded in
   community, and now that extends to the virtual
   community. Valuable feedback drives the learning,                                neuroscience, Bedtime Math strategies are research-
                                                                                    based, best practices.  In response to the pandemic,
   growth, and innovation that is needed to build    September Ready: Re-establishing
   successful opportunities for student achievement.                                this content is being offered at no cost  to all NJ
   This workshop will focus on the work of Joellen Killion  Community in Your Middle/High   elementary schools for 2020-21: any teacher who
   and the research she has compiled in her book, “The   School (PSEL Standards 5 and 7)  attends the free professional learning may order
                                                                                    materials for all their students. Join our webinar for
   Feedback Process.” Executive members of Learning
   Forward New Jersey will engage professionals   Aug. 3, 2020; 9 am - Noon         school leaders on how to make hybrid instruction
                                                                                    easy for your teachers.
   with the importance of feedback for learning with   Presenter: Dennis Morolda, FEA Consultant
   strategies that educators can bring to their schools   Fee: Free
   the next day.                           Join middle school and high school leaders for this    September Ready: Hot Issues
   Workshop Outcomes:                      interactive professional development experience
     •  Distinguish between feedback and feedback for   focusing on practical ways to re-establish community   in Special Education - Back to School
      learning                             in your school after the COVID-19 crisis. This highly   Edition
     •  Understand the rationale for feedback for   engaging professional development will examine   Aug. 6, 2020; 9 am to 3 pm
      learning                             practical strategies that can be utilized virtually and   Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
     •  Identify different types of feedback  when students are back in the building. Gain a robust   Director; John Worthington, Esq., LEGAL
                                           collection of community building practices to support
     •  Apply the feedback for learning process  adolescent teachers and students to meet their social   ONE Consultant
     •  Generate ways to use this content to advance   and emotional needs in the classroom, large group   Fee: $100 members/$125 non-members
      your own work                        gatherings and transition times. Help students feel   This session will include the latest guidance on
                                           connected and empowered through strong inclusive   determining the need for and extent of compensatory
        Implementing LGBTQ Lessons         virtual and face to face community building practices.   services, the key elements to consider including in IEPs
                                             •  Use morning meeting/advisory time to address
                                                                                    moving forward, the supports that may be necessary for
   and Instruction                             developmentally appropriate SEL competencies   students reentering school, lessons to be learned from
   (PSEL Standards 3, 4 and 10)                (self-awareness, self-management, social   recent case law, key considerations related to disparities
                                               awareness, responsible decision-making,
                                                                                    in identification and discipline rates for African American
   Jul. 30, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm                  relationship skills)                 students, and the latest guidance from the U.S. and New
   Presenters: Lori Burns, Project Manager for   •  Re-establish/create strong communities (face to   Jersey Departments of Education.
   the +LGBTQ Curriculum Pilot Project; Kate   face and virtually)
   Okeson, Founder/Director of Make It Better   •  Establish look/sound/feel expectations that    The Real Role of the School
   for Youth                                   meet adolescent student needs (relationship,
   Fee: $100 Members/$125 Non-Members          autonomy, competence, fun, safety)   Climate Teams (PSEL Standards 3, 5,
   What does implementation of the LGBTQ curriculum   •  Share ideas and strategies that you/your staff   and 6)
   look like in a classroom?  How can an interdisciplinary   have utilized during virtual learning  Aug. 12, 2020; 9 am - 12:30 pm
   approach support instruction?  In this session,                                  Presenter: Pat O’Keefe, FEA Consultant
   participants will learn about the key elements of the
   curriculum and hear from content area experts about    Principal/AP/VP Survival Guide   Fee: $60 Members/ $75 Non-Members
   best practices in implementing the curriculum across   Aug. 3, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm  What is the real work of New Jersey’s mandated
   several content areas including Literacy, History,   Presenters: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL   School Climate Teams? What role should the SCT
   Math, Science, Health/PE, World Languages, and the   ONE Supervisor of Legal Research and   play in preparing for the re-opening of schools? Let’s
   Visual and Performing Arts.             Content Development; James J. Sarto, Ed.S.,   examine the broad responsibilities of School Climate
                                                                                    Teams. We will define school climate and culture and
   Free Webinar for NJPSA Members and      NJ Leaders to Leaders Program Coordinator  consider what programs and initiatives schools have
                                           Fee: $150
                                                                                    in place. The connection between social-emotional
   Guests                                  Novice, experienced, veteran principals and assistant   learning (SEL) and a positive school climate will also
                                                                                    be discussed. Participants will learn how to collect
   School Products and Services for a      principals! How can we possibly remember everything?   school climate data and how to develop a targeted,
                                           Time goes by, students, staff, community, process,
   COVID-19 World                          procedures, and most importantly… educational law   “next steps” action plan.
   Jul. 30, 2020; Noon - 1:30 pm           changes. This may be the refresher PD you have been
                                           waiting for. Join us as we focus on basic “I Should
   Aug. 12, 2020; Noon - 1:30 pm           Already Know That” information, as well as:   Tools to Support Equitable
   You are making plans to reopen schools in   •  Daily school operations, duties, and   Instruction and Continuity of
   September, but do you have and can you get the new   responsibilities            Learning (PSEL Standards 4, 7, and 10)
   products and services you now need to operate in a
   COVID-19 world?                           •  Case studies on student accountability  Aug. 13, 2020; 9 am - 12:30 pm
   Join us on July 30 and August 12 from noon to 1:30   •  Smoking v. Vaping v. Drug Policies  Presenters: Emil Carafa, Coordinator of
   pm for a Lunch and Learn webinar where you will   •  Contracts and Job Descriptions  Professional Learning, FEA; Vicki Duff,
   hear from NJPSA/ FEA Fall Conference Sponsors and   •  Tenure and Bumping Rights  Coordinator of Professional Learning, FEA;
   Exhibitors who just may have the exact items you are   •  It’s Always Been Done That Way, How Did I   Donna McInerney, Ed.D., CEO of FEA
   looking for and need, including:            Know It Was Illegal!                 Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members
     •  PPE Products                                                                Addressing student learning gaps, ensuring high
     •  Ultra violet disinfectant wands                                             quality instruction for all students, and fostering
     •  Modular furniture                                                           continuity of learning across virtual, in-person and

   All Sessions Will Be Held Live Online.
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