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and the Social-Emotional Framework. This three-hour   Leadership and Effective Collaboration    September Ready: Sparking
   session will provide supervisors and teacher leaders
   an opportunity to begin unpacking the new standards   Through Challenging Times    Virtual Collaboration
   and appendices. Many practical implications of   (PSEL Standards 6 and 7)        (PSEL Standards 7 and 10)
   implementation, including professional development   Jul. 27, 2020; 10 am - Noon
   and curricular revisions, will be explored through                               Jul. 28, 2020; 9 am - Noon
   peer-to-peer and facilitated discussion.   Presenter: Denise Hecht, MBA, Assistant   Presenters: Emil Carafa, Coordinator of
                                           Executive Director of New Jersey Principals   Professional Learning, FEA; Vicki Duff,
                                           and Supervisors Association and Chief    Coordinator of Professional Learning, FEA;
          September Ready: Mental          Financial Officer of The Foundation for   Susan Gilbert, Coordinator of District Grant
                                           Educational Administration
   Health Reopening Protocols for Schools  Fee: Free to Members/$75 Non-Members     Projects
   Jul. 23, 2020; 9 am - Noon              Developing a collaborative and positive school   Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members
   Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE   culture during challenging times places many   September is on the horizon, with a landscape that
                                                                                    looks rather different. While teams may be comfortable
   Director; Maureen Brogan, LPC, DRCC ,   demands on leaders. When leaders engage in   and adept with face-to-face collaboration, how does
   Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care,   self-reflection and develop a deeper understanding   this translate to the virtual world? This professional
   Statewide Coordinator for Traumatic Loss   of their leadership style and preferred patterns of   development workshop will engage educational leaders
   Coalitions for Youth; George Scott, EdS LMFT;   behavior, they deepen their ability to lead under   and teachers to examine a vision for collaboration in
   Susan Coyle, MA, Traumatic Loss Coalitions   pressure and change. In this session, participants   the virtual world, which will be key to the discussion
   for Youth Coordinator for Middlesex County,   will discover and engage in a research-based, self-  of equitable learning. Participants will be actively
   Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care;   actualizing process. By understanding the leadership   involved in looking closely at key structures important
   Geta Vogel, FEA Consultant & Retired    styles and unique strengths of themselves as well   to virtual collaboration by focusing on the vital element
   Principal                               as colleagues, participants will be able to build   of building relationships and strategies to guide
                                           greater levels of collaboration and connection, key
   Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members        components of a positive school culture.  collaborative conversations, while considering the
   This workshop will address key legal requirements                                valuable role protocols provide to this process. This
                                                                                    workshop will help establish the tools for addressing the
   that schools must address and protocols that should                              important question of “What will September look like?”.
   be put into place in order to address the mental    All New Code of Student
   health needs of students and staff during remote
   instruction and while preparing for the reopening of   Conduct Certificate Program  September Ready: Mental Health and
   schools. This will include a review of legal protections
   related to mental health that are available under   Jul. 27 - 29, 2020           Trauma-Informed Practices in Schools
   state and federal law, recent guidance from the   Fee: $400 members/$500 non-members   - Grades 6-12
   CDC, U.S. Department of Education and New Jersey   This Certificate Program will empower every
   Department of Education, and model protocols and   school leader to develop and implement a Code   (PSEL Standards 5, 6 and 10)
   tools for school districts to proactively plan for and   of Student Conduct that is fair, equitable, legally   Jul. 28, 2020, 1 pm - 3 pm
   support students and their families. Participants will   sound and effective. An essential part of every school   Presenters: Kaitlin Mulcahy, Ph.D., LPC,
   also learn about the protocols that should be in place   administrator’s role is addressing the challenges   IMHM, Associate Director; Jennifer Faasse,
   to address the mental health needs of staff members   that occur when students fail to adhere to the code
   in light of the global pandemic and its aftermath.                               MA, LPC, Coordinator for School-Aged
                                           of student conduct. That challenge is made even   Mental Health Clinical Services; Center for
                                           greater by current events, such as addressing student   Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health,
        Formative Assessment: The Real     discipline in the age of COVID-19 and the impact of   Montclair State University
                                           students witnessing horrific incidents of racial injustice,
   Driver of Instruction (PSEL Standards 4   along with the worldwide response to those events.   Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members
   and 10)                                 Those who purchase the full 3-day Certificate   This session will introduce school personnel to the
                                                                                    importance of using trauma-informed strategies to
   Jul. 23, 2020; 9 am - Noon              Program will also receive access to a comprehensive   promote relational and emotional wellness in schools.
                                           online course - Getting to the Truth: A Toolkit for
   Presenters: Heather Moran,  Immediate   Conducting Effective Student Investigations, along with   We will review the science of safety as foundational
   Past President NJPSA, Principal, Logan   additional pre-recorded content on conducting virtual   to learning and connecting, and the impact of stress
   Middle School; Pamela Moore, Assistant   investigations, an overview of legal requirements related   and trauma on the learning process. We will also
   Superintendent, Millville Public Schools  to the code of student conduct, and an overview of   discuss strategies to promote relational and emotional
   Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members        requirements related to student discipline for incidents   wellness in the classroom, and systemic changes
                                                                                    necessary to become a trauma-informed school.
   Assessment occurs all day, every day, in each   involving students with disabilities.
   classroom. The majority of assessments in our   Participants can still register for individual days at
   classrooms are assessments for learning. Thus, it is   $100 for non-members and $125 for non-members    Back to School for Students
   imperative that the assessments we choose to create   but the additional content is only available for those   With Significant Special Education
   and use are aligned to the learning objectives we set   who purchase the full Certificate Program.
   for students.  These assessments can then provide the   Day 1 - Adapting the Code of Conduct to   Needs: Managing the Uncertainty to
   evidence to determine if the instruction that is taking   COVID 19               Maximize Success (PSEL Standards 5, 6,
   place is having an impact on the learning of every   Jul. 27, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm
   student. High quality formative assessment focuses   Presenter: Sandra L. Jacques, Esq., LEGAL   and 10)
   on the engagement and motivation of students to   ONE Supervisor. of Legal Research and   Jul. 28, 2020; 9 am - Noon
   learn, the feedback cycles that are built in to respond   Content Development    Presenter: Michael C. Selbst, Ph.D., BCBA-D
   to student learning outcomes, and the instructional
   practices that lead to the evidence of learning.   Day 2 - Adapting the Code of Conduct to   Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members
   This session will provide leaders with strategies to   Ensure Equity Based on Race and Other   As millions of students and educators return to
   answer the following questions:         Protected Classes                        school (in-person or remotely) in September, there
     •  What is the purpose of assessment and how does   Jul. 28, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm  remains a great deal of uncertainty. Educating
                                                                                    students with significant special education needs
      it help us to measure the impact of our work?  Presenter: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE   requires careful consideration of their unique
     •  What do we expect from formative assessments?  Day 3 - Adapting the Code of Conduct to   strengths and challenges and likely raises more
     •  What are formative assessments telling you that   Address Specialized Populations   questions than answers. This is compounded by
      you want and need to know about students’   Jul. 29, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm        issues surrounding social distancing, student health
      learning needs?                      Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE   and medical issues, behavior challenges, the need
     •  How do we support PLCs to create and implement   Director; John Worthington, Esq., LEGAL   for prompting, developing social interactions, etc..
      authentic and meaningful assessments  ONE Consultant                          This webinar will include information to guide
     •  How are assessments being used to deepen                                    successful programming, including dedicated
                                                                                    planning time, collaboration among staff and
      student commitment to learning?                                               between the home and school, specific strategies to
     •  What does an equitable system of assessment                                 address students’ academic, social, emotional, and
      look like?                                                                    behavioral needs, and self-care supports for staff
                                                                                    and parents.
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