Page 2 - PDCalSummer2020_Neat
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June and the Law July
Implicit Bias, Equity, Investigations
Jun. 25, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm
Succeeding as a Female Leader Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Implementing New Curriculum
Director; Rebecca Gold, Retired Director of
(PSEL Standards 1, 2, and 6) Human Resources; Joanne Sung, Ass’t. Supt., Mandates and Related Protocols
Jun. 22, 2020; 9 am - Noon N. Plainfield SD; Cynthia Assini, K-12 Sup. of Jul. 6, 2020; 9 am - 11 am
Presenter: Karen D’Avino, Superintendent, Social Studies/G&T, Hillsborough Twp Presenter: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE
Vernon Public Schools Fee: $150 Director
Fee: $149 Whether we realize it or not, each of us has our own Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members
This workshop provides female administrators and implicit biases. As Affirmative Action Officer, it is New Jersey school districts are required to implement
essential that you understand the implicit biases that
aspiring administrators the opportunity to discover you and your colleagues may have, that you lead your a wide range of curriculum requirements during the
their leadership style, how to work with men and district’s work to overcome those biases and that 2020-21 school year addressing complex issues such
women in the workplace, how to prioritize important you work to ensure that those biases do not interfere as mental health, sexual assault, child abuse, the
educational issues, and how to have longevity as a with rights. Participants will apply this knowledge meaning of consent,students with disabilities, sexual
female leader. Backed by research, (including Brene to implementing the Comprehensive Equity Plan. orientation and gender identity, and gifted education.
Brown, Cheryl Sandberg, Carol Dweck, and Lolly Participants will also learn adv. investigation As districts implement these new mandates they need
Daskal) discovering, embracing, and practicing the techniques that promote fair, equitable, effective & to be prepared for challenging responses that could
leadership style that works best for female leaders legally defensible outcomes and more. arise from students, staff and/or parents. This session
yields positive results for schools, communities, and will review these new mandates and the related
personal lives. This workshop will focus on hands-on protocols that must be followed if districts become
learning and strategies that can be utilized the very The Connected Action Roadmap: aware of students in danger of harm to self or others,
next day. It will provide participants the opportunity or students who may have experienced traumatic
to be understood as leaders, maximize strengths A Systemic Process for Strengthening events such as sexual abuse.
and grow in a multitude of areas to be the best Teaching, Leading, and Learning (PSEL
instructional leader to your school/district. Standards 4, 7, and 10)
Jun. 30, 2020; 9 am - 12:30 pm Implementing the New Jersey Tiered
Understanding Boundaries: Presenters: Emil Carafa, Coordinator of System of Supports (3-Day Series):
Appropriate Communications in the Professional Learning, FEA; Vicki Duff, Using Leadership Tool to Inform and
Workplace Coordinator of Professional Learning, FEA; Guide Decisions (PSEL Standards 3, 4 ,5,
Donna McInerney, Ed.D., CEO of FEA
Jun. 24, 2020; 9 am - 3 pm Fee: $149 and 10)
Presenters: David Nash, Esq., LEGAL ONE Day 2: Jul. 8, 2020; 3 pm - 3:45 pm
Director; Rebecca Gold, Retired Director of Improving student learning and strengthening Presenter: Bobbie Felip, Educational
Human Resources teacher practice require a systemic and sustainable Consultant, NJPSA/FEA
process, driven by the collaborative work of PLCs and
Fee: $150 shared leadership. The Connected Action Roadmap Fee: Free
Staff members need to understand the impact of (CAR) provides a coherent approach to curriculum, This webinar is provided through a grant from the New
their words and actions on their colleagues, and instruction, assessment and school climate that Jersey Department of Education. Building on session 1,
recognize boundaries that should never be crossed builds a common language and understanding session 2 will explore the RTI (Response to Intervention)
in the workplace. This workshop will review statutory and shifts the focus of educators from compliance Fidelity of Implementation Rubric for Administrators.
requirements and recent case law regarding sexual and programs to process and effective practices. Participants will review the tool and discuss ways that,
harassment and other forms of employment Supported by the NJ Department of Education and when utilized time, can strengthen the process and
discrimination. Participants will also review recent the leading educational organizations across the lead to greater student growth. Focus will highlight
cases where virtual boundaries were crossed through state, the CAR framework was recently used by teams sections of the tool that are most impacted by building
the use of social media & electronic communications of educators from across the state working with the leadership and spark thinking about what needs to be
and discuss the impact of Healthy Workplace NJDOE to develop K-12 ELA and Math instructional put in place to facilitate moving the process forward as
Environment policies. Participants will consider units with common student learning objectives well as what to look for along over the way.
various scenarios and determine the appropriate derived from the NJ Student Learning Standards.
course of action to take. These resources, when combined with the CAR
conversations, offer a powerful toolkit for PLCs to The Value of Family Engagement
develop a shared understanding of the standards, Within Our Pre-K to 12 Educational
Implementing the New Jersey Tiered strengthen teacher practice and improve student Institutions (PSEL Standards 1 and 8)
System of Supports (3-Day Series) learning outcomes. Jul. 9, 2020; 10 am - Noon
(PSEL Standards 3, 4, 5, and 10) Presenter: George Guy, FEA Consultant
Day 1 - An Introduction to N.J. Tiered Exploring the New Jersey Student
Systems of Supports Learning Standards in the Visual and Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members
Jun. 24, 2020; 3 pm - 3:45 pm Performing Arts (PSEL Standard 4) Family engagement describes what families
do at home and in the community to support
Presenter: Deitra E. Spence, Ed.D., Jun. 30, 2020; 9 am - Noon their children’s learning and development. It
Educational Consultant, NJPSA/FEA or also encompasses the shared partnership and
Fee: Free Jul. 23, 2020; 1 pm - 4 pm responsibility between home and school.
This webinar is provided through a grant with Presenter: Dale Schmid, Ed.D., Visual and Participants will begin to explore the following four
the NJDOE to assist districts with developing and Performing Arts Coordinator, New Jersey objectives:
implementing Tiered Systems of Support. The first of Department of Education; SEADAE President • the relationship between family engagement
three webinars, this webinar will provide an introduction Fee: $60 and improved school/student outcomes from
to the New Jersey Tiered System of Supports (NJTSS), Co-Sponsored Arts Education Series, NJPSA/ birth through high school
a framework for academic and behavioral intervention • the research supporting the importance of
based on the three-tiered models of Responses to FEA, and Arts Ed NJ engaging families
Intervention (RTI) and Multi-tiered System of Supports In this webinar, participants will learn to navigate • the difference between participation and
(MTSS). Participants will be presented with definitions the new online portals for the New Jersey Student engagement across different environments (e.g.,
of key components of the framework to help develop Learning Standards in the Visual and Performing Arts rural, urban, and suburban) and communities
a common language and tools for implementation so and the Social-Emotional Framework. This three-hour (e.g., historically under resourced communities)
that district leadership teams, professional learning session will provide supervisors and teacher leaders
communities, and other planning teams can begin an opportunity to begin unpacking the new standards • the additional benefits family engagement
discussions about enhancing supports and enrichment and appendices. Many practical implications of brings to parents, educators, and communities.
opportunities for all students. implementation, including professional development
and curricular revisions, will be explored through
peer-to-peer and facilitated discussion.
All Sessions Will Be Held Live Online.