Page 4 - PDCalSummer2020_Neat
P. 4
Discipline Disparities: Exploring to engage students in academic rigor. discuss strategies to promote relational and emotional
wellness in the classroom, and systemic changes
Causes and Solutions (PSEL Standards Audience: Superintendents, Assist. Superintendents, necessary to become a trauma-informed school.
Directors, Supervisors, Principals, Asst. Principals,
3, 6, and 10) Teacher-Leaders
Jul. 15, 2020; 10 am - Noon Summer Ready: Tech Tools for
Presenter: George Guy, Principal, Cherry Hill Advancing Culturally Responsive High Impact Learning
Schools Practices Through Compassionate Jul. 21, 2020; 9 am - Noon
Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members Communication (PSEL Standards 3, 4, Presenter: Bruce Preston
Target Audience: K-12 Administrators and Teacher-
Leaders and 5) Fee: Free
This session will explore disparities in discipline Jul. 16, 2020 9 am - Noon Now more than ever, we need instructional strategies
among racial/ethnic minority students. Participants Presenter: Robin Harden Daniels, Ed,D., FEA that leverage technology with high impact learning
will understand several factors that lead to discipline Presenter, Lead Consultant, InFlight LLC A and deep engagement. Using Design Thinking
disparities in classrooms at all levels. Participants will STEM Education Company principles, this workshop will model tech choices based
work on discipline plans and classroom management on learning needs, explore applications to high impact
plans that will alleviate racial disparities with regards Fee: Free learning, and use classroom-ready reflective practices
to racial/ethnic minorities being disciplined in This workshop extends participants’ understandings that build connections to areas and topics beyond the
inordinate ways. of Cultural Responsive Practices (CRP) by focusing scope of this workshop. While the workshop will focus
on the power of communication (in both virtual on engaging students with their learning, intentional
and face-to-face environments) to disrupt biases crossover strategies will support connections for adult
Arts Integration Leadership Institute in traditional and online learning environments. learning, increasing the opportunity for positive in-
district collaborations.
(PSEL Standards 1, 4, and 10) By integrating the principles of CRP with those of
Compassionate Communication, this session will
Jul. 15 - 17, 2020 strengthen the skills of participants to: (1) identify
This Event Has Reached Capacity. violence in daily interactions; (2) avoid biased BrandED: A Tool for
This summer’s annual institute will focus on the communications that stem from a deficit mentality; Communicating IMAGE, PROMISE and
and (3) use Compassionate Communication styles to
development of school/district plans that connect build relationships and repair harm. RESULT to a School Community in Crisis
arts integration with culturally relevant and
responsive instructional practices. Each team must (PSEL Standards 1, 5, 6, and 10)
be composed of, at a minimum, the superintendent September Ready: Re-establishing Jul. 22, 2020; 9 am - 11 am
(or other central office person), a principal, an arts Presenter: Trish Rubin, President, Trish
teacher, and a regular classroom teacher. Extra credit Community in Your Elementary School Rubin Ltd.
will be given for the addition of a board member. We (PSEL Standards 5 and 7)
encourage you to consider bringing a diverse team Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members
beyond role and consider race/ethnicity/gender/ Jul. 20, 2020; 9 am - Noon Branding may be the last thing on a school leader’s
experience when possible. Presenter: Dennis Morolda, FEA Consultant mind at a time when the path is unclear, but Brand is
Fee: Free at the root of a connecting communication strategy
to reach any audience. You can see how your favorite
Exploring the 2020 New Jersey Join elementary school leaders and supervisors for brands are now trying to authentically message you for
Student Learning Standards this interactive professional development experience engagement. Learning about branding has never been
focusing on practical ways to re-establish community
more important to a school that is communicating its
(PSEL Standard 4) in your school after the COVID-19 crisis. This highly value to an audience everyday. On your own or with a
Jul. 16, 2020; 10 am - Noon engaging professional development will examine team, spend some time learning how to identify your
practical strategies that can be utilized virtually and
Presenter: Beverly R. Plein, PhD, Director, when students are back in the building. Gain a robust school brand IMAGE, make a connecting PROMISE,
Office of Standards Social Studies collection of community building practices to support and place messages for positive RESULT. It’s been true
for years, if you don’t tell the story of your school to
Coordinator, NJDOE elementary teachers and students to meet their social the community, someone else will... and you might not
Fee: Free and emotional needs in the classroom. Help students like the version of their narrative. Be a proactive leader
In this session, participants will engage in an overview feel connected and empowered through strong in this new world of education. Become a BrandED
of changes made to the NJ Student Learning inclusive virtual and face to face community building Storyteller-in-Chief.
Standards. Specific topics to be addressed include: practices.
(1) the 2020 NJSLS Review and Revision process; • Use morning meeting/advisory time to address
(2) an overview of changes in each content area; developmentally appropriate SEL competencies Exploring the 2020 New Jersey Student
(3) an introduction to the new framework (unique (self-awareness, self-management, social Learning Standards in Social Studies
New Jersey design) and its implications; and (4) the awareness, responsible decision-making, Jul. 22, 2020; 1 pm - 3 pm
curriculum implementation schedule. Discussion relationship skills)
around next steps for planning for implementation • Re-establish/create strong communities (face to Presenter: Beverly R. Plein, PhD, Director,
will also be addressed. face and virtually) Office of Standards Social Studies
• Establish look/sound/feel expectations that meet Coordinator, NJDOE
Building a Systemic Approach to elementary school student needs (relationship, Fee: Free
autonomy, competence, fun, safety)
In this session, participants will engage in an overview
Ensuring High Quality Instruction • Share ideas and strategies that you/your staff of the 2020 New Jersey Student Learning Standards
Jul. 16, 2020; 1 pm - 2 pm have utilized during virtual learning in Social Studies and explore the conversations,
Presenters: Beth Carr, Senior Director of resources, and professional learning needed to
District Partnerships, Learning Sciences; support implementation across learning environments.
Donna McInerney, Ed.D., CEO, Foundation September Ready: Mental Health and
for Educational Administration; Susan Trauma-Informed Practices in Schools Exploring the New Jersey Student
McNamara, Director of Planning, Research & - PK-5 (PSEL Standards 5, 6, and 10)
Evaluation, Brick Township Public Schools Jul. 21, 2020; 1 pm - 3 pm Learning Standards in the Visual and
Fee: Free Presenters: Kaitlin Mulcahy, Ph.D., LPC, Performing Arts
Providing high quality instruction when schools IMHM, Associate Director; Jennifer Faasse, (PSEL Standards 4 and 10)
reopen is a critical challenge facing educators across MA, LPC, Coordinator for School-Aged Jul. 23, 2020; 1 pm - 4 pm
the state of New Jersey. Whether we return to a Mental Health Clinical Services; Center for
virtual, in-person, or blended learning environment, Autism and Early Childhood Mental Health, Presenter: Dale Schmid, Ed.D., Visual and
teachers need access to highly effective resources and Montclair State University Performing Arts Coordinator, New Jersey
strategies and they also need a systemic approach Department of Education; SEADAE President
to improving student learning that is grounded in Fee: $60 Members/$75 Non-Members Fee: $60
professional collaboration. Join this session to learn This session will introduce school personnel to the Co-Sponsored Arts Education Series, NJPSA/
how one district used the systemic framework of importance of using trauma-informed strategies to FEA, and Arts Ed NJ
the Connected Action Roadmap (CAR), the common promote relational and emotional wellness in schools.
learning goals of the NJDOE ELA and Math units, and We will review the science of safety as foundational In this webinar, participants will learn to navigate
student academic learning teams to strengthen and to learning and connecting, and the impact of stress the new online portals for the New Jersey Student
unify teaching and learning across environments and and trauma on the learning process. We will also Learning Standards in the Visual and Performing Arts
All Sessions Will Be Held Live Online.